7. Holes in ozone layer can result ………………. skin cancer. A. of B. on C. in D. to 8. After the accident, many people were exposed________ radiation. A. from B. at C. to D. with 9. Thermal pollution ……………….. the temperature of a river go up. A. makes B. cause C. lead to D. result in 10. I've ………………an idea about our environmental project A. led to B. come up with C. given D. caused 11. I've ………………an idea about our environmental project A. led to B. come up with C. given D. caused 12. Water pollution________ the death of fish in the lake. A. occurs B. results of C. comes D. leads to 13. Light pollution has negative effects ________ human health. A. on B. of C. for D. to 14. Many flights were cancelled ________ the smoke from forest fires. A. so B. because C. because of D. result in 15. The river water is polluted mostly ________ the dumping of sewage. A. due to B. lead to C. because D. so 16. The air has been polluted…………………………emissions(sự phát ra) from car engines. A. since B. because C. because of D. due of 17. ……………………… can also be considered as loss of sight that cannot be corrected to a normal level with eyeglasses. A. vision loss B. hearing loss C. loss of smell D. loss of taste 18. If you experience noise pollution for a long time, you can have headaches, high blood pressure and ……………………. A. hearing loss. B. loss of vision C. loss of taste D. loss of smell 19. Polluted water also causes the death of …………………..animals such as fish, crabs, or birds. A. aquatic B. land C. amphibians D. overhead 20. ________can cause high blood pressure and hearing problems. A. Air pollution B. Light pollution C. Water pollution D. Noise pollution 21. . ________ plastic takes so long to break down, it pollutes the land and ocean. A. Because B. Due to C. Even if D. Although 22. If rubbish is non-biodegradable, it________ forever. A. exists B. will exist C. won’t exist D. doesn’t exist 23. Grace didn’t love nature, ________ she wasn’t happy when her group went camping in a jungle. A. but B. and C. because D. so 24. Thousands of fish were killed ________ a discharge (sự phóng , chảy ra)of poisonous chemicals from a nearby factory. A. because B. lead to C. result in D .because of 23. ________the fog, the flight can’t take off. A. Since B. Because C. Due to D.In spite of 25. ________the garbage dump smells terrible, no one lives around there. A. Because of B. Since C. Although D. Even though 26. Acid rain can lead……………….atmospheric pollution. A. of B. to C. in D. from 27. The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have risen________ the burning of fossil fuels. A. therefore B. because C. in spite of D. due to 28. ________the airport is near our neighborhood, we must suffer from noise pollution every day. A. Since B. Although C. Unless D. Due to 29. There would be much less pollution________ people stopped using cars completely. A. if B. since C. when D. although 30. Emissions of pollutants into the air can________ changes to the climate. A. get on B. end up C. go into D. result in

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