63. The medical center is close ________ campus. a. to b. for c. up d. with 64. We went there_______ car and stayed there for the whole day. a. in b. on c. with d. by 65. We started our journey ______ foot. a. with b. by c. on d. in 66. He always prevents me_______ doing my duty. a. of b. from c. with d. against 67. I write letters _______ my right hand. a. in b. by c. with d. at 68. The war victims suffered terribly______ cold and hunger. a. with b. from c. through d. of 69. She is absent_______ class a. at b. from c. to d. away 70. It is very nice______ you to take so much trouble. a. of b. to c. for d. from 71. You may write________ pencil. a. with b. by c. in d. on 71. He congratulated me_______ winning the competition. a. of b. on c. at d. about 72. Remember me________ your parents. a. to b. for c. with d. about 73. Mr. Foster lives_____ 667E 76th street______ New York. a. in/in b. at/in c. on/in d. in/on 74. We reached______ her house safe and sound. a. at b. to c. with d. no word is needed

2 câu trả lời

63. A

64. D

65. B

66. B

67. B

68. B

69. D

70. A

71. A

72. C

73. C

74. B

63. b

64. d

65. b

66. b

67. c

68. b

69. b

70. b

71. b

72. c

73. b

74. d