25. Contacting their office in Paris was impossible. It’s ................................................................................................ 26. Going on a journey with you is safe. It’s ................................................................................................ 27. He is trying to study very hard so that he can get a scholarship. In order to .................................................................................. 28. Please, give my best regards to your parents. Will ............................................................................................ 29. They soak old newspapers in water overnight. Old newspapers .......................................................................... 30. Glass has been recycled in our country for a long time. People .......................................................................................... 31. The air is polluting by smoke from factories. ..................................................................................................... 32. Recycled things can be use again. ..................................................................................................... 33. This tractor used to plough the . ..................................................................................................... 34. My motorbike needs to fix. ..................................................................................................... 34. The is polarizing by smoke from factories. ..................................................................................................... 35. Millions of newspapers and paper bags are throwing away every day. ..................................................................................................... 36. For every ton of recycled newsprint, nearly ten trees can save. ..................................................................................................... 37. Books published by Kim Dong publisher are selling out so quickly. ..................................................................................................... 38. The children attracted by the circus show. ..................................................................................................... 39. We are going to a meeting holding by the Y 8:. Y club. ..................................................................................................... 40. Waste paper and old clothes will collect for our mini-project. .....................................................................................................

2 câu trả lời

25, It’s impossible to contact their office in Paris.

26, It’s safe to go on a journey with you.

27, In order to get a scholarship, he is trying to study.

28, Will you give my best regards to your parents, please?

29, Old newspapers is soaked in water overnight by them.

30, People have recycled glass in our country for a long time.

Từ câu 31 trở đi đề bị sai rồi bạn nhé, bạn thử xem lại nha


25.  It’s impossible to contact their office in Paris.
26. It’s safe to go on a journey with you.
27. In order to get a scholarship, he is trying to study.
28. Will you give my best regards to your parents, please?
29. Old newspapers is soaked in water overnight by them.
30. People have recycled glass in our country for a long time

mấy câu sau ko có từ gợi ý kìa, bạn coi lại nhé