1.she was ...............for days after the accident (conscious) 2.animals/food/use/dung/fertilizing/fields./grow/the/their/for/their/and/Farmers/for/ .Farmers........................................................................................................................ 3.overturned/into/deep/dangerous/everyone/canoe/and/fell/the/The/water./and/ The canoe..................................................................................................................... 4.The panitings that were stolen from the museum haven'n been found yet (use present or past participle) The painting..................................................................................... 5.This is the first time she ........... rice paddies a. will see b.sees c.has been d.saw 6.Penicillin can cure many dangerous diseases Many................................................... 7.People speak English all over the world English....................................................

1 câu trả lời


2.Farmers grow food for their animals and use the dung for fertilizing their field.

3.The canoe overturned and everyone fell into the the deep and dangerous water.

4.The painting which were stolen from the museum haven't been found yet.

5.sửa câu c thành "has seen" thì chúng ta sẽ có kết quả đúng.

6.Many dangerous disease can be cured by penicillin.

7.English is spoken all over the world.

    (*)Có gì sai sót bạn cứ bảo mình.

     Chúc bạn học tốt!