1how busy are your parents? 2 how caring is your mother? 3how do your family member share the house hold choes? 4what are you attempling to do? 5 do you fell safe and secure in your family?why?

2 câu trả lời

1. My parents are very busy. They work from the morning to the evening. They just spend time at home after 6.00 pm.

2. My mother takes care of all family members very well. She always keeps our house neat and clean.

3. We share the household chores equally. My mother cooks and buys groceries, my fathers does heavy lifting, my brother cleans the house and cuts grass in the garden, and I take out the garbage and wash dishes after meals.

4. I am attempting to get good studying results at school to make my parents proud of me.

5. Of course I do. Because my family is very close- knit and we always share everything together.

1 My parent are so busy

2)My mother cares for me a lot

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