15. A great number of people are involved -------------- the use of English. A. in B. on C. at D. to 16. English is used -------------- an access to world scholarship and world trade. A. to B. for C. like D. as 17. There were a power failure and all the lights went --------------. A. up B. out C. after D. along 18. The police went -------------- the burglars. A. after B. over C. down D. up 19. We are going -------------- a few days for the holidays. A. away B. up C. on D. out 20. The dog wants to go -------------- towards the fire. A. away B. back C. after D. along 21. The prize of petrol is going -------------- because the cost of the exploitation is too high. A. down B. up C. along D. on 22. Go -------------- your work carefully before you hand it in. A. over B. up C. back D. into 23. As time goes -------------- my memory seems to get worse. A. down B. by C. out D. away 24. You should try to study hard to -------------- your classmates. A. make fun of B. keep pace with C. lose track of D. pay attention to 25. The man whom you -------------- on the bus yesterday is my father. A. took notice of B. made fuss over C. put a stop to D. made room for 26. He was very angry because they -------------- him. A. took account of B. set fire to C. made fun of D. lost touch with 27. The teacher made allowance -------------- his marks because his father was in hospital. A. up B. for C. to D. of 28. Write your name -------------- the top of the page. A. in B. at C. to D. with 29. Mozart was born in Salzburg -------------- 1756. A. at B. on C. in D. from 30. -------------- Saturday night I went to bed -------------- 11 o’clock. A. At/ on B. In/ at C. On/ at D. At/ to 31. These days everybody is aware -------------- the dangers of smoking. A. up b. of C. to D. with 32. Many young people want to be independent -------------- their parents nowadays. A. on B. up C. from D. of 33. Why are two schools so -------------- from each other. A. similar B. same C. different D. afraid 34. The child is very -------------- at arithmetic. A. quick B. prefect C. sad D. rich 35. Could I speak…… Tom, please?- I’m afraid Tom is ……work. Would you like to speak…….him ? A. up/at/to B. to/at/to C. with/in/with D. on/in/of 36. He started going……..school …….the age of five. So now he’s been………. school for ten years . He’s leaving………the end of this year. A. to/at/in/in B. to/with/on/out C. for/about/in/of D. off/up/upon/above 37. He goes….his office every day, except Sunday. On Sundays he stays ….home and works…..the garden. A. for/on/in B. to/up/with C. to/at/in D. for/at/under 38. I think I left my umbrella….. the bus . I’d better write ….. the lost property office. A. in/for B. at/to C. up/with D. on/to 39. We arrived …. the airport…… good time for the plane. A. in/for B. at/at C. up/about D. on/to 40. Can I look up a word …your dictionary? I left mine……. home.

2 câu trả lời

15 : A 

16 : B 

17 : B 

18 : A 

19 : D 

20 : B 

21 : C 

22 : B 

23 : D 

24 B 

25 B 

26 : A 

27 : c 

28 ; B 

29 : A 

30 D 

31 : C 

32 C 

34 A 

35 C 

36 ; B 

37 : B 

38 : B

39 ; A 

40 : D

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