11. there are many people in the room, ··················? 12.it was not a good film, ·································? 13. Mary is here, ···········································? 14. Tom and David wanted to go to school, ·············? 15. everyone took a car, ···································? 16. let’s have a drink, ······································? 17.he works for this company, ···························?

1 câu trả lời

11. there are many people in the room, aren't there?

12. it was not a good film, was it?

13. Mary is here, isn't she?

14. Tom and David wanted to go to school, didn't they?

Tom và David là hai người ⇒ they

15. everyone took a car, didn't they?

Với "everyone" thì câu hỏi đuôi chuyển thành "they"

16. let’s have a drink, shall we?

Với "let's" ở đầu câu thì câu hỏi đuôi chỉ có thể là "shall I/ shall we"

17. he works for this company, doesn't he?

Câu hỏi đuôi: vế trước khẳng định thì vế sau phủ định

                       vế trước phủ định thì phía sau khẳng định

Dựa vào thì chia cho động từ ở phía trước để chia động từ phía sau.


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