1, Viet lai cau sao cho nghia khong doi a, She started driving 1 month ago. =>She has.............. b,He hasn't travellet by air before. =>This is.......... c,We began eating When it started to rain. =>we have........ d,she is lazy so she can't pass the exam. =>if.......... e, Study hard or you won't pass the exam. =>if.............

2 câu trả lời

a, She started driving 1 month ago.

She has been driving for 1 month ago.

b, He hasn't travellet by air before.

This is the first time he has traveller by air.

c, We began eating when it started to rain.

We have eaten since it started to rain.

d, She is lazy so she can't pass the exam.

If she weren't lazy, she could pass the exam.

e, Study hard or you won't pass the exam.

If you don't study hard, you won't pass the exam.

a,she has driven for 1 months.

b,this is the first time he has travelled by air.

c,we have eaten since when it started to rain.

d,if she is hard-working ,she will can pass the exam.

e,if you donnot study hard,you willnot pass the exam.