1. Unless most of us replace coal fuel with gas fuel, we can hardly control air pollution. => Air pollution 2. Because the airport is located near our neighborhood, we must suffer from noise pollution every day. => We wouldn't 3. The ship pollution, especially oil spills, is one of main causes of the ocean pollution. Therefore, we need to reduce it. => If we 4. Thomas expects for a great amount of money to move to another place to stay away the noisy industrial zone. => If Thomas

2 câu trả lời

1. Air pollution can hardly be controlled unless most of us replace coal fuel with gas fuel

2. We wouldn't have to suffer from noise pollution every day if the airport weren't located near our neighborhood

3. If we reduce the ship pollution, especially oil spills, the ocean won't be polluted

4. If Thomas wants to stay away the noisy industrial zone, he will expect for a great amount of money to move to another place

1. Air pollution can hardly be controlled if most of us don't replace coal fuel with gas fuel.

2. We wouldn't have to suffer from noise pollution every day if the airport weren't located near our neighborhood.

3. If we don't reduce the ship pollution, especially oil spills, it will cause the ocean pollution.

4. If Thomas had a great amount of money, he would move to another place to stay away the noisy industrial zone.