<Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.> 1. The Gold Coast is famous for its most _________theme parks in Australia such as Dream world and White Water World. ICON 2. We’ll take the early from Sydney to __________Wellington. FLY 3. There are many tourist ______ in London such as British Museum, London Eye and Tower of London. ATTRACT <Use the following information to write a passage of 100 -120 words about Canada.> – Location: northern part of North America – Second largest country in the world -10 provinces, 3 territories – Area: 9,984,670 km2; population: 35 million people – Language: English, French – One of the richest countries; among highest living standards countries – Capital City: Ottawa; biggest town: Toronto – National sport: lce-Hockey; many beautiful landmarks – Geography: longest river: Mckenzie; tallest mountain: Mount Logan; largest lake: Bear Lake ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

2 câu trả lời

1. The Gold Coast is famous for its most icon theme parks in Australia such as Dreamworld and White Water World. 

2. We’ll take the early from Sydney to fly Wellington

3. There are many tourist attractions in London such as the British Museum, London Eye and Tower of London. 

Use the following information to write a passage of 100 -120 words about Canada

Canada is located in the Northern part of North America. It's the second-largest country in the world- with 10 provinces, 3 territories. Its area is about 9,984,670 km2 and the population is 35 million people. The main languages ​​of Canada are English and French. It is also one of the richest countries in the world among the highest living standards countries. The capital city named is Ottawa and the biggest town named is Toronto. In this country, the national sport is ice-hockey. It has many beautiful landmarks. The longest river Mckenzie, the tallest mountain is Mount Logan and the largest lake is Bear Lake 

1. iconic

2. flight

3. attactions