1. My home hasn't installed a solar water heater. If/ my home/ install/ a solar water heater/ we/ save a lot of energy. => 2. Not all households in Viet Nam turn off lights during the Earth Hour. If/ all households/ Viet Nam/ turn off lights/ the Earth Hour/ we/ save enough electricity/ develop our rural areas. =>

2 câu trả lời


1. If my home installed a solar water, we would save a lot of energy. (Nếu nhà tôi lắp đặt một nguồn nước mặt trời, chúng tôi sẽ tiết kiệm rất nhiều năng lượng.)

2. If all households in Vietnam turn off lights during the Earth Hour, we would enough electricity to develop our rural areas. (Nếu tất cả các hộ gia đình ở Việt Nam tắt đèn trong Giờ Trái đất, chúng ta sẽ có đủ điện để phát triển các vùng nông thôn.)

1. If my home installed a solar water heater , we would save a lot of energy.

2. If all households in Viet Nam turned off lights during the Earth Hour,  we we would enough electricity  to develop our rural areas. 

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