1, can you open your bag,please? the police asked me................................ 2,you should work harder on english pronunciation? my teacher advised me.............................................................. 3,please call me at six o'clock tomorrow morning nam asked me.................................. 4,can you speak more slowly?i can't understand you nam asked me................................................ 5,would you mind turning down the music? my mother asked me................................................ II. 1, i didn't steal that car said the young man the young man denied................................................... 2,i broke the vase this morning?said tom brown tom brown admitted,................................................ 3,john said i couldn't go sailing to day because of the bad weather the bad weather prevented................................................ 4,remember to buy some sugar my mother said my mother reminded prevented............................................. 5,he said if i were you,i would tell her about that he advised.................................................... 6,i really want to see my girl friend again said tom tom is looking forward to........................................... 7,peter said i'm sorry i broke your watch tom peter apologized........................................... 8,would you like to have dinner with us tonight mike said mike invited,.................................................... 9,why don't you organize an english competition for our students ?said ms lien mis lien suggested....................................................

2 câu trả lời

1/ The police aksed me to open my bag 
2/ My teacher advised me to work harder on English pronunciation
3/ Nam asked me to call him at six o'clock tomorrow morning 
4/ Nam asked me to speak more slowly because he couldn't understand 
5/ My mother asked me to turn down the music 
1/ The young man denied having stolen that car 
Câu phủ nhận trong câu gián tiếp : S + denied + V-ing 
2/ Tom Brown admitted having broken the vase that morning 
Câu thừa nhận: S + admitted + V-ing 
3/ The bad weather prevented John from go sailing 
Ngăn cản: S + prevented + someone + from + V-ing
4/ My mother reminded me to buy some sugar 
Nhắc nhở: S1 + reminded + S2 + (not) to V-inf
5/ He advised me to tell her about that 
Khuyên bảo: S1 + advised + S2 + (not) to V-inf
6/ Tom is looking forward to seeing his girlfriend again 
Mong đợi : S + looked forward to + V-ing
7/ Peter apologized to Tom for having broken his watch
Xin lỗi: S1 + apologized + to + S2 + for + (not) + V-ing
8/ Mike invited me to have dinner with them that night 
Lời mời: S1 + invited + S2 + to V-inf
9/ Ms Lien suggested that I should organize an English competition for our students 
Đề nghị, gợi ý:
S + suggest + (not) + V-ing
S1 + suggested + that + S2 + should + V-inf

1 The police asked me to open my bag 
2 My teacher advised me to work harder on English pronunciation
3 Nam asked me to call him at six o'clock the next morning. 
4 Nam asked me to speak more slowly because he couldn't understand me
5 My mother asked me to turn down the music 
1 having stolen that car 
2 having broken the vase that morning 
3 John from go sailing 
4 My mother reminded me to buy some sugar 
5 me to tell her about that 
6 seeing his girlfriend again 
7 to Tom for having broken his watch
8 me to have dinner with them that night 
9 that I organize an English competition for our students 

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