1."Are you going to visit your aunt tomorrow? tom asked me........................................... 2."Listen to me and don't make a noise? my teacher asked us................................................ 3,3."I'm tired of eating fish" mary said........................................ 4,0."I can't go to the school today because I'm ill she said to me that........................................... 5,what is your name? she asked me................................ 6,where do you live? she asked me................................. 7,what aspect of learning english i find most difficult? she asked me............................................ 8,i don't know how to use this machine she said that 9,you mustn't stay up late watching tv my father told me...........................

1 câu trả lời


1.  Tom asked if I was going to visit my aunt the next day. 

2.  The teacher asked us to listen to him and not to make any noise.

3. Mary said that she was tired of eating fish.

4. Mike said to me that he couldn't go to the school that day because he was ill.

5. She asked me what my name was.

6. She asked me where I lived.

7. She asked me what aspects of learning English I found most difficult.

8. She said that she didn't know how to use that machince.

9. My father told me I hadn't to stay up late watching TV.

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