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Reported speech 1.she say:he is sitting over there... 2.his brothers says to me:she has given me a present... 3.he says to your sister:you play the piano very well... 4.he says:i have been in an aeroplane many times... 5.my teacher says to me:you have been very quick... 6.he says :elizabeth has gone sto school... 7.he says: they are waiting outside... 8.the student say to me:we always try to please you... 9.my father says:i have been smoking too much... Indirect speech 1.will you go on strike when the others do?the cleck asked him... 2.bill said to her:do you want to borrow any of these books?... 3.i asked him:what are you doing to do with your old car... 4.he said to me:read it for yourself if you dont believe what i say... 5.the teacher said:think well bofore you answer pupils... 6.let's visit some some lonely old villagers: peter suggested-> 7.you are not telling the truth,you are a liar:they acused-> 8.the maneger said to the members"dig a few wells for the villagers":the menager told -> 9.the manager said to the members"bring along a camera to take pictures": the menager told-> 10.sorry for coming late to the meeting: a girl apologized-> 11.would you get some water the gruop,Ba: Nam asked -> 12.will you teach me some games said Ba to Mai:Ba told-> 13.dont waste your time playing video game:the teacher asked-> 14.pack your luggage before we leave for the task said the maneger to his members:the menager told-> 15.why dont we stay with out villagers some more day:the leadersugested-> 16.dont forget to send your friend a birthday card,Ann:He reminded ->

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21. ........money do you earn ?~About £250 a week. A.How much. B.What. C.How many D.Which 22. .........bag are you carrying ?~Judy's A.Which. B.What C.Who's. D.Whose 23. ..........first stepped on the moon ? ~Neil Amstrong , wasn't it ? A.Whose. B.Who. C.Where. D.When 24. .........is your new school ?~It's very big and friendly A.What. B.How. C.Where. D.Which 25. ...........is your national flag ? Red and yellow A.What. B.Which of color. C.What color. D.Which 26. ...........do you take a holiday?~Once a year A.When. B.How long. C.Who. D.Whom 27. ...........is Greg like ? ~He's tall and thin with brown hair A.What. B.How. C.What time. D.How often 28. ..........did the Second World War end ?~in1945 A.Where. B.When. C.What time. D.How long 29. .........is a half of football ?~Forty-five minutes A.What time. B.How often. C.How long D.When 30. .........did the package come from ?~London A.When. B.Where. C.Which. D.What 31. ............hat is this ? It's my brother's A.When. B.Whose. C.Which. D.What 32. ............is the beach ?_Only five minutes' walk A.How long. B.Where. C.How often D.How far 33. ............do you want ?_A box of chocolates A.What. B.Which. C.Who. D.How 34. ............is this building?_It's about two hundred years old A.How long. B.How far. C.How old. D.How 35. ...........money do you earn ?_About 250 pounds a week A.How much. B.What. C.How many D.Which 36. .............first stepped on the moon ?_Neil Amstrong, wasn't it? A.Whose. B.Who. C.Where. D.When 37. ...........is your new school ?_It's very big and friendly A.What. B.How. C.Where. D.Which 38. ...........is it to the post office ? _About two hundred meters A.How far. B.How long. C.How often D.How much 39. ..........is your national flag ?_Red and yellow A.What. B.Which of color. C.What color D.Which 40. .........do you take a holiday ?_Once a year A.When. B.How long. C.What time D.How often

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II.Choose the best answer a,b,c,d ? 1. Do you know..............language is spoken in Kenya ? A.Which. B.Who. C.What. D.How 2. ...............is your blood type ? A.Which. B.Who C.What. D.How 3. ................do you play tennis ? For exercise. A.Which. B.Who. C.What. D.How 4. .........can I buy some milk ? At the supermarket A.Which. B.Who. C.Where. D.How 5. .............much do you weigh ? A.Which. B.Who. C.What. D.How 6. .............can I park my car ? Over there A.Where. B.Who C.What. D.How 7. ............tall are you ? A.Which. B.Who C.What. D.How 8. .............do you expect me to do ? A.Which. B.Who C.What. D.How 9. ...........do you like your tea ? I like it with cream and sugar A.Which. B.Who C.What. D.How 10. .........picture do you prefer, this one or that one ? A.Which. B.Who C.What. D.How 11. ...........is that woman ? -I think she is a teacher A.Which. B.Who C.When. D.How 12. ..........book is this ? It's mine A.Which. B.Who C.Whose D.How 13. ...........do you usually eat lunch ? At noon A.Which. B.When C.What. D.How 14. ........you wash clothes every week ? A.Do. B.Does C.Did. D.Is 15. ..........does your father work ? At City Hall A.Where. B.Who C.What. D.How 16. .........usually gets up the earliest in your family ? A.Which. B.Who C.What. D.How 17. .........does your father work at that company? Because it's near our house A.Which. B.Who C.What. D.How 18. ...........dances the best in your family? A.Which. B.Who C.What. D.How 19. ............do you want ? ~A box of chocolates A.Which. B.Who C.What. D.How 20. ............ is this building?~It's about two hundred years ago A.How long. B.How far C.How old D.How

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Make questions for the following responser, using Wh-words. The first one has been done as an example 0. Who teaches you history ? -Mr. Nguyen . I like his lessons about the history of our country 1. .................................................................................................... ? - About 5 years ago . Cars of this model were very expensive then 2. ................................................................................................... ? - Once or twice a month . O often hire videos to watch at home instead 3. ................................................................................................... ? - About half an hour . You see , my office is not very far away 4. ................................................................................................... ? - To get a job in a foreign company 5. ................................................................................................... ? - I enjoy watching quiz shows 6. ................................................................................................... ? - I often go home and have lunch with my parents 7. ................................................................................................... ? - Because English is very intersting and it's so very useful 8 ................................................................................................... ? - He's a scientist . I want to be a scientist like my father when i grow up If the answer is correct, I will give a good answer + 5 stars

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XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. 1. Climbing without a safety rope is forbidden. You aren’t…………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Nigel hasn’t got satellite TV, so he can’t watch the game. If……………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Walking home alone is not a good idea. You…………………………………………………………………………………… 4. ‘Did someone ring you an hour ago?’ Martin said to Susan. Martin asked………………………………………………………………………… 5. Throw a stone into water and it sinks. If……………………………………………………………………………………… 6. You can’t travel on this train if you don’t have a reservation. Unless………………………………………………………………………………… 7. ‘If I were you. I’d take the job,’ said Sue Sue……………………………………………………………………………………. 8. The exam question was so easy that we all got it right. It was…………………………………………………………………………………. 9. Although he wasn’t experienced, he got the job. Despite………………………………………………………………………………... 10. Since you haven’t finished your homework, you can’t come with them. If………………………………………………………………………………………

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V. Give advice to the following people. Use I think……should or I don’t think..…should and one of these phrases. Go to the dentist Take them back to the shop Tell your bank Wait Go to work Tell them to buy fruit Drive Be more careful Write to people Work so hard 1. Jenny and Tony are only sixteen, but they say they want to get married. I think they should wait. 2. Kate is crying because I knocked her over. We were playing a game. …………………………………………………………………………………………... 3. Peter’s got a very bad cold. …………………………………………………………………………………………... 4. Ann’s phone bill was enormous! Three hundred pounds! …………………………………………………………………………………………... 5. Keith wants to drive home, but he hasn’t got his glasses. …………………………………………………………………………………………... 6. One of my teeth is loose. …………………………………………………………………………………………... 7. I’ve lost my cheque book and credit cards. …………………………………………………………………………………………... 8. My shoes have got a hole in them. I only bought them last week! …………………………………………………………………………………………... 9. My children spend all their pocket money on sweets. …………………………………………………………………………………………... 10. I’m always tired because I’ve been working very hard. …………………………………………………………………………………………...

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1. I live in my family of four A. It is four members in my family B. There is four members in my family C. There are four members in my family D. I've got four members in my family 2. No one in the group is as clever as her A. She is cleverest in her group B. She is the most cleverest in her group C. She is as clever as in her group D. She is the cleverest in her group 3.We are going to come to his birthday party tomorrow A. We are coming to his birthday party tomorrow B. We were coming to his birthday party tomorrow C. We will come to his birthday party tomorrow D. We come to his birthday party tomorrow 4. His youngsister's responsibilities include helping his mum to prepare meals and washing the dishes A. His youngsister is responsibile at heping his mum to prepare meals and washing the dishes B. His youngsister is response for helping his mum to prepare meals and washing the dishes C. His youngsister is responsibile for helping his mum to prepare meals and washing the dishes D. His youngsister is responsibile for helping his mum to prepare meals and wash the dishes 5. We know that if we contributes to our share of housework , the burden is less A. We know that if we make our contributors to the share of house work , the burden is less B. We knew that if we make our contributions to the share of house work , the burden is less C. We know that if we make our contributions to the share of house work , the burden is less D. We know that if we make contributing to the share of house work , the burden is less 6. Jane keeps interrupting me A. Jane is interrupting me B. Jane is always interrupting me C. Jane is always interrupted me D. Jane is always keeping interrupting me 7. My dad is responsible for mending things A. My dad took responsibility for mending things B. My dad takes responsibility for mending things C. My dad takes responsible for mending things 8. We split our household chores equally A. We do our share of household chores equal B. We do our share of household chores equally C. We do our share in household chores equally D. We take our share of household chores equally 9. It takes me most of time at school A. I spend most of time at school B. I am spending most of time at school C. It spend most of time at school D. I make most of time at school 10. " Please , please send a donation . The children are dying " , Bob said to the TV viewers A. Bob urged TV viewers send a donation because the children were dying B. Bob urged TV viewers to send a donation because the children were dying C. Bob urge TV viewers to send a donation because the children were dying D. Bob urged TV viewers to send a donation because the children were dying 11. " Please collect my jacket from the dry-cleaner's" Mary to her daughter A. Mary tell her daughter to collect her jacker from the dry-cleaner's B. Mary told her daughter collecting her jacket from the dry-cleaner's C. Mary told her daughter not to collect her jacket from the dry-cleaner's D. Mary told her daughter to collect her jacket from the dry-cleaner's 12. Do you know what this car is worth this week ? A. Do you know if it is very valuable to have this car ? B. Do you know whether someone should buy this car ? C. Do you know if this week this car is valuable or not ? D. Do you know how much this car costs this week ?

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Ex1. Từ loại 1) I haven't got the ........... to sing at a wedding party. There are too many strangers ( confident) 2) Lying to your parents or ......... is one of the worst habits that children should avoid ( honest) 3) Bringing your children to the orphanage to help the homeless kids is a good way to teach them to become more .......... towards the others ( sympathy) 4) It would be better to talk to a ........, who may give you helpful advice to improve your relationship with your roommates ( counsel) 5) Matt has such a great ........ that everyone must like him after the first meeting ( person) 6) Despite being friends for more than 3 years, Jack and i usually have a lot of ......... when discussing an issue ( argue) 7) Communication helps to form ........ between a baby and his or her mom (attach) 8) The ......... relationship between Romeo and Juliet seems to be endless (romance) 9) Though Steve's accent was strange, his words were perfectly............ He succeeded in passing on his message of teenager love to the audience (understand) 10) Current media put much .......... on developing face-to-face relationship with people around you (emphasize) 11) Despite being the easiest means of communication, sociak media are likely to be ........ among adolescents if they use them too much (problem) 12) School children make a great ........ to charity by donating their unused stationery (contribute) 13) Teenagers are advised to ask for their parent's.......... before enrolling in an online course (permit). 14) Mai's parents are........... She is currently living with her mom and seldom meets her dad (divorce) 15) Leaving home after having a lot of arguments with her parents, Jane feels regretful and wants to be .......... with them and return home (reconcile)

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