Your group is going to take part in a storytelling contest organised by your school. Each group member tells a story about friendship or teacher-student relationships. Think about the following questions.

2 câu trả lời


Your group is going to take part in a storytelling contest organised by your school. Each group member tells a story about friendship or teacher-student relationships. Think about the following questions.

( Nhóm em sắp tham gia cuộc thi kể chuyện do trường em tổ chức. Mỗi một thành viên trong nhóm kể một câu chuyện về tình bạn, hoặc mối quan hệ thầy-trò. Hãy suy nghĩ về những câu hỏi gợi ý dưới đây.)


Tom and John were two friends. One day they were passing through a dense forest.

(Tom và John là hai người bạn. Một ngày nọ, họ đi qua một khu rừng rậm rạp.)

John said, 'Friend, I am afraid there are wild beasts in this forest. What will we do if a wild beast attacks us?'

(John nói, 'Bạn ơi, tôi sợ có những con thú hoang dã trong khu rừng này. Chúng ta sẽ làm gì nếu một con thú hoang tấn công chúng ta?')

'Don’t be afraid, John,' said Tom, 'I shall stand by your side if any danger comes. We shall fight together and save ourselves.'

('Đừng sợ, John,' Tom nói, 'Tôi sẽ đứng bên cạnh anh nếu có nguy hiểm xảy ra. Chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau chiến đấu và cứu sống bản thân.')

Then they went on their journey. But suddenly they saw a bear coming towards them.

(Sau đó họ tiếp tục hành trình của mình. Nhưng đột nhiên họ thấy một con gấu tiến về phía họ.)

Immediately, Tom climbed up the nearest tree. He did not think what his friend would do.

(Ngay lập tức, Tom trèo lên cái cây gần nhất. Anh không nghĩ bạn mình sẽ làm gì.)

John did not know how to climb a tree. He had no way of escape. He was helpless.

(John không biết cách trèo cây. Anh không có cách nào trốn thoát. Anh bất lực.)

The bear came up to John. It smelt his nose, ears, and eyes. It took him to be dead and went away.

(Con gấu đến gần John. Nó ngửi mũi, tai và mắt của anh ấy. Nó nghĩ anh ta đã chết và đi khỏi.)

Then Tom came down from the tree. He said to John, 'What did the bear whisper in your ear?'

(Rồi Tom từ trên cây xuống. Anh ta nói với John, 'Con gấu thì thầm gì vào tai anh vậy?')

John said, 'The bear told me not to trust a friend who leaves his friend in danger.

(John nói, 'Con gấu bảo tôi đừng tin tưởng một người mà để người bạn của mình gặp nguy hiểm'.)

Moral: An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast since a wild beast can harm your body, but an evil friend can wound your soul.

(Bài học đạo đức của câu chuyện: Một người bạn không thành thật và xấu xa thì đáng sợ hơn một con thú hoang dã bởi vì một con thú hoang dã có thể làm hại cơ thể của bạn, nhưng một người bạn xấu có thể làm tổn thương tâm hồn bạn.)

One day, Mark was on his way home from school. Along the way he saw a young boy the same age as he was walking in front, dropping a bag of clothes he carried on his shoulder, in which a lot of books were dropped, there were two sweaters, a pair of gloves, a play stick. baseball and a tape recorder.
Mark helped him pick up things scattered on the street. And since the two of them were going in the same direction, Mark brought him some belongings. As he walked and talked, Mark learned that his name was Bill, a lover of video games, was having a lot of trouble (studying badly) with his school subjects, and just broke up with his girlfriend.
Following the way they got to Bill's house first, Mark was invited in by him to have a drink and watch some TV series. That afternoon passed relatively comfortably with small laughs and talk of love.
Then Mark returned home. Since then the two continue to meet, sometimes at school or go to lunch together ... Then they both passed high school together, went to the same high school and remained friends for a long time. the following year. When his long years in high school ended, three weeks before graduation, Bill said he had something to talk to Mark. Bill recalls the day many years ago when they first met on their way home from school.
"Have you ever wondered why I brought so many things home that day?", Bill asked and then answered himself: "That day I cleaned up my personal lockers at school because I didn't. wanted to leave a mess for the user behind me I stole some of my mother's sleeping pills and that day was when I was on my way home to kill myself.
But after meeting you, joking with you, I realized that if I kill myself, I will lose the chance to have fun as I did with you and possibly lose so many opportunities after that. . You see, Mark, when you helped me pick up the stuff that was scattered on the street that day, you actually helped me out even more. You saved my life. "

Bài học:

An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast since a wild beast can harm your body, but an evil friend can wound your soul.