Write your prediction about a future city in Vietnam to a friend.

1 câu trả lời

Dear học là lợi chơi là hại

I received your email last week, in which you asked me about my city Ha Noi in 2050. There are different ideas about this question. I thought about it in a few days, and now I can give you two predictions.

Let's take a look at optimistic aspects. In 2050 Ha Noi will become a more liveable city for lots of reasons. The city authorities have built a very careful plan to promote advanced technology to make greener motorbikes to deal with air pollution. In addition, the city dwellers are encouraged to make use of public transport system to reduce tracffic jam. The government will also grow more trees and encourage people to use solar panels.

On the contrary, pessimistic people think that the city life will be a dangerous place to live in because the government cannot control the use of private cars and motorbikes. The effects of global warming have great impacts on the city dwellers, higher temperature in the summer and colder climate in te winter.

That's all about my answer to your question. I hope you will be satisfied with it, Peter.

Best wishes,


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