write a short paragraph about necessary life skills for teens

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Money may not be the most important thing in life, but it certainly is vital for a comfortable life. Education gives you the knowledge and some skills you need to become employable. But it may not give you the skills to manage your earnings and spending, save money, etc. In simple words, you need to make your teenagers financially literate. Every teen must know how to open a bank account, use the ATM,transfer money online and write a check.Save money to buy or invest in something, for emergencies.Knowing how to procure food or cook food is one of the primary life skills for teenagers.Buying groceries is important to cook. One of the important skills here is to be able to identify different ingredients and know where they are available.Among the critical things that teens should learn, as part of taking care of themselves, is to take care of their health.Knowledge of personal health and over-the-counter medications that can come in handy.Knowing when to go to the doctor.Taking proper care of self, through proper diet and environment, in the case of illnesses like common colds, fever or the flu.

Are teenagers today prepared for life after school? Or are American students too coddled? Windsor High School student Aliezah Hulett ponders these questions in her TED-Ed Club talk, “Prepring Students for the Real World .” During the talk, she advocates for schools to teach more real-life skills to their students, including a basic understanding of the metric system and a more realistic approach to ***** education. Read on for an interview with Aliezah about the gap between what we learn in school vs. what we need in later life.Teenagers today are the perfect example of what can happen if parents never challenge their children to go above and beyond. They hand everything to their kids. It used to be that you’d be extremely privileged if you got to use your parents’ old beatup car once you turned sixteen. If you wanted something else, you would get a job and pay for it yourself because it was triggering a sense of responsibility. Nowadays, I see 16-year-olds with trucks and Priuses straight off the lot. This causes teenagers to be less prepared for the real world than ever before. A large chunk of this is due to parents coddling their children. According to this interesting article from The Guardian, “more than a quarter of 20 to 34 year olds are still living with their parents according to new statistics — the highest proportion since 1996.”The school system and parents should be working together to raise educated students. Schools should be accountable for instructing students to be knowledgeable about the world around them, even when the parents slack off. It should be a joint effort between parent and educator to train the next generation of children to be independent and prepared for what’s ahead.

Traditional topics such as calculus and Shakespeare should not be neglected, but teachers should be able to ask their class, “Now, how can we use this lesson outside of the classroom?” Every class should be able to draw out a moral that students can leave with daily. For example, a possible moral for Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet could be to not be swept up in emotions and carry out such rash actions.If my peers were to be thrown into the real world, I don’t think that they would know how to handle themselves. There’s a sense of responsibility and maturity that come from having a job. When someone puts their head down to achieve their goals by themselves, as an independent adult, their outcome will reflect what they learned in both high school and college. These include how to sew a button or how to use a plunger!Those who think that teenagers shouldn’t be taught about ***** in school are trying to shield children from learning about the outside world. In high school, college, and the many years after, ***** is a real thing. I agree that abstinence is the only way to fully prevent teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases among youth, but what happens when they do decide to have sex? The answer is that they could end up getting pregnant and spreading STDs because they may not know how to properly address these types of situations. This is in no way promoting sex, but instead teaching tomorrow’s future about the truth, and what may arise in their future. By providing students with knowledge of how to properly go about the physical and mental components of sex, we are raising educated adolescents.If I got to design my own school, the classes that students would take would be based on two main components: what students are interested in, and what students will need for their lives after graduating. Sometimes, there are classes that we don’t necessarily like but are required to take because they teach things that are needed out there in the real world, or provide a better basis for the rest of a child’s learning career. However, it is proven that when a child is enjoying the class, they are more likely to absorb the information. If there is a particular subject or teaching style that a student likes, that’s information to act on.

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Các bạn giúp mình bài này mình cần gấp KHÔNG CÓ đoạn văn đâu!!!!! Có một câu chuyện như sau: Một tù trưởng Cherokee đưa hai đứa cháu của mình vào rừng dạo chơi. Sau một lúc đi dạo, ba ông cháu ngồi nghỉ bên một gốc cây và ông bắt đầu nói với hai đứa trẻ: “Có một cuộc chiến tồi tệ đang xảy ra ở bên trong ông. Đây là cuộc chiến giữa hai con sói. Một bên là con sói của nỗi sợ hãi, đều giả, kiêu ngạo và tham lam. Bên kia là con sói của lòng dũng cảm, tử tế, khiêm nhường và yêu thương”. Hai đứa trẻ im lặng lắng nghe câu chuyện của ông cho đến khi thấy ông bảo rằng: “Cuộc chiến đang xảy ra giữa hai con sói này cũng đang diễn ra trong các cháu, không khác gì mọi người”. Hai đứa trẻ suy nghĩ một lúc rồi hỏi vị tù trưởng: “Ông ơi, vậy con sói nào sẽ chiến thắng?”. Người ông nhẹ nhàng nói: “Con sói mà cháu đang nuôi dưỡng.” (Theo “Sau này con sẽ hiểu” – Marc Gellman) Câu 1: Tìm lời dẫn trực tiếp trong đoạn văn trên và cho biết dấu hiệu nhận biết của nó. Câu 2: Trong câu chuyện với hai đứa trẻ, tù trưởng Cherokee luôn nhắc đến “một cuộc chiến”. Em hiểu cuộc chiến này là gì? Từ đây, em hãy cho biết ý nghĩa câu chuyện này cần được hiểu theo nghĩa tường minh hay hàm ý? Câu 3: Nếu được lựa chọn một nhan đề cho câu chuyện, em sẽ lựa chọn như thế nào? Câu 4. Xác định và chỉ rõ 2 phép liên kết có trong đoạn văn trên.

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