write a paragraph about the negative effects of playing computer games too much on children

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In modern world, computers and electronics entertainment devices have become all pervasive in our society. Video game, one aspect of electronics entertainment, has triggered many debates about its positive and negative impact on health and psychology. Several studies have been done and researchers have divided opinion on effect of video games on player's health and mentality. In my opinion, benefits of video games outshine the drawbacks if few cautions are taken by players in selecting the type of games.

Among the bad effects of video games, its impact on health is most debated. Studies suggest that youngsters are spending more time at home than playing outside, which clearly has effect on growth and development. But with the development of newer technologies, newer forms of games are available in market, which encourage people participate actively and physically in the play. Sony Corporation, for example, has a virtual tennis game where user needs to play with computer holding a sensor in his hand which works has tennis racket. This gives the user a virtual experience of a real game. And also helps to improve mind and body co-ordination by letting the user flex his responses. Therefore, choice of video game and the device make a lot of difference.

Therefore, video games have higher degree of positive effect on human than their negative effect and can be used as a tool for learning and development. But, like any other tool caution needs to be taken in selection and usage.



Sitting too close to the computer screen for a long time can make eyes tired, worse than nearsighted, health decline rapidly.Waste of your own time, family's money in vain. Many bad habits arise such as: lying, stealing, cheating, even killing. Not only that, being addicted to video games, students will be distracted from studying, drop out, truant, and do not do homework, leading to poor learning and ambiguous knowledge.Video games cause people's souls to be poisoned with violence, killing, bombardment making people easy to fall into the virtual world, plotting, many tricks leading to always looking for ways to deal with family , friends, teachers. Relationships with friends and family in reality gradually decrease.The above harms will only be encountered in cases of game addiction, which cannot be stopped. Therefore, we need to clearly define what our goals are, to stay on track, to avoid getting caught up in useless games.If you like to work on computers, on game software, you can become excellent programmers. Make good use of your strengths and interests at work, don't waste your time in vain. The benefits above will partly help adults have a better view of children's gaming. However, if you play the game in a reasonable way, it will promote the benefits. Playing online games is not bad, but it can even train children with many good skills. Children should be educated on how to properly use technology in games. Let the game promote its role and benefits. And don't abuse the game indiscriminately, you will get what parents are always trying to find out.


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