Viết đoạn văn Tiếng Anh ảnh hưởng của Covid 19 đến Giáo dục Search gg dịch+cop mạng thì ăn 1 sao nha

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The Covid 19 pandemic has impacted education systems around the world, resulting in the mass closure of schools and universities. As of March 16, 2020, governments in 73 countries have declared or implemented school closures, including 56 countries with nationwide school closures and 17 with local school closures. [3] National school closures have affected more than 421 million learners globally while local school closures have put more than 577 million learners at risk.[1] According to data released by UNESCO on March 10, the closure of schools and universities due to COVID-19 has caused one in five students to leave school globally.[4

In Viet Nam
In Vietnam, as of April 8, 2020, all 63 provinces and cities have allowed students to stay at home. On April 1, 2020, Vietnam began implementing social distancing on a nationwide scale to prevent the spread of corona virus; People are advised to stay at home. However, the education sector cannot and will not be stopped. Along with many other countries in the world, it is not easy for Vietnam to build a solid scenario for the education sector, because the COVID-19 pandemic situation is still complicated.

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