viết đoạn ngắn về những việc có thể giúp đỡ cho speech impairment ? cảm ơn nhiều ạ!

2 câu trả lời

A speech impairment is a condition in which the ability to produce speech sounds that are necessary to communicate with others is impaired. Speech impairments can be mild, such as occasionally mispronouncing a couple of words, to severe, such as not being able to produce speech sounds at all. Your doctor may refer you to a speech-language pathologist who can teach you how to conduct exercises to strengthen your vocals cords, how to increase vocal control, how to improve articulation or vocal expression and how to expressive and receptive communication. In some cases, they may also recommend assistive communication devices. For example, they may advise you to use an electronic device to translate typed messages into verbal communication. In rare cases, you may need surgery or other medical procedures.

Speech impairment: khiếm khuyết về ngôn ngữ

Những việc mình có thể làm:

speech impairment is a condition in which the ability to produce speech sounds that are necessary to communicate with others is impaired. People with speech impairment have a lot of difficulties in their life; therefore, we should do some effective things to help them. The first thing is how we communicate with them. We must remember to speak at a slow and normal pace.  Besides, we also need to avoid shouting or talking down to them. The second thing is to find a charity that CAN helps them develop speech, language and communication skills, with a special focus on people with a communication disability. The last thing should be patience. Being patient with people with speech impairment is a good way to make them become more confident in themselves.

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