Viết cho mình về global warming khoảng 100 từ nêu nguyên nhân hậu quả và giải pháp Giúp mình với ạ

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Global warming, the rising temperature around the world, has some causes and effects. The main reason for this global warming is the huge amount of carbon resulting from environmental pollution. Again the destruction of forests adds to this problem. The growth of industries, increasing number of vehicles and the use of CFCs in manufacturing and packaging industries are also the causes of the rice temperature in the atmosphere. This increase in the world’s temperature has some fatal consequences on humans, animals, and plants. The increased amount of heat will melt the huge ice of the polar ice-caps and thereby, the sea level will rise. Then the salty water of the sea will mix with the river water and will come into the farmlands. Then the fertility of the lands will be lost and man’s ability to grow crops will be reduced. Furthermore, the lower regions of the world including the coastal areas of Bangladesh will go under water. Again, if the temperature rise continues, many of the species of animals will become extinct forever, So, effective measures must be taken to prevent global warming. Planting more trees and expansion of forestation programmers can go a long way to tackle the situation.  Using environment-friendly machines and avoiding the use of CFCs can also reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Taking all these steps, we could prevent global warming so that we can make our life danger-free.

~Answer by oopscreeper2006~

Global warming will increase the sea level, expand the salinity to the groundwater, and the estuaries, causing consequence to reduce the amount of fresh water available to the people and the coastal ecosystem. The rising sea level will push salt into the freshwater layer and ultimately cause the pollution of nguồnhạn han to the water supply, which is expected to increase in the mediterranean, south europe, central europe and south africa, the central region of brazil and south africa. Their impact is increasingly due to the use of water, increasing population, urban expansion, and environmental protection efforts in many areas. The drought leads to loss of crops and mất grazing. 

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