• Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Behind the fanfare surrounding a new report on work-life balance lies a truth about the ................................. (CONTRADICT) we all face in juggling home and the workplace. One of the reasons why balancing work and ‘life’ is so difficult is that work, for many of us, is so appealing. Work is a gateway to a social network, to friends, to a .............................. (COMMUNAL). In a world of increased .............................. (INDIVIDUAL) and globalization, many of the US are seeking a sense of ............................ (BELONG) somewhere or to someone. On a personal level, the search for belonging takes people to internet chat rooms and clubs, to coffee shops — and work. Work seems to offer a ready-made community. ............................ (PSYCHO) speaking, it satisfies our basic instinct to relate to other individuals and society. Gossip sessions at the coffee machine, lazy ............................ (CONVERSE) about holiday plans in the canteen — these all add a social, communitarian dimension to work. Moments of shared meanings remind employees that they belong to a team, a company, something bigger than themselves — thus the workplace fulfills a ............................ (fundamentalism) human need. Generally, people are happy both at home and at work. Indeed, work for the majority is quite clearly not the soul-........................... (DESTROY) prison it is sometimes perceived to be. There are. of course, those for whom work might be seen as ............................ (PROVIDE) an escape, a safe place away from unhappy homes; a distraction from disappointing private lives. However, there are problems where the workplace culture involves very long hours, and people will always need to strike the right balance between work and home.
2 câu trả lời
1. contradiction [n] sự mâu thuẫn
2. commune [n] một nhóm người thân thiết
3. individualization [n] tính cá nhân hóa
4. belonging
5. psychologically [adv] một cách liên quan đến tâm lý
6. conversations [n] cuộc đối thoại
7. fundamental [adj] căn bản, thiết yếu
8. destructive [adj] phá hoại
9. providing [v] cung cấp
1. contradiction
2. commune
3. individualization
4. belonging
5. psychologically
6. conversations
7. fundamental
8. destructive
9. providing