tell me about school education system in Vietnam. Which universtity would you like to attend in the future?

2 câu trả lời

The intensity that comes with a physical or virtual learning environment stimulates and accelerates learning in a way that traditional learning methods sometimes can’t.

Over the last two decades, the reality of an academic world filled with rapidly advanced technology is, well, a reality. Such learning environments are transforming education, and the Education Lab at the Universidad de Palermo in Argentina is one such example, which facilitates student-centered learning, while also pioneering research into online education.

An innovation lab with a focus on applied education and a mandate to reimagine education, the Education Lab looks to reinvent the way it teaches, capitalizing on state-of-the-art technology and the latest discoveries in the science of learning, while offering the academic community access to world-class education technology.

Vietnam's education system is a universal education system at all levels, with diverse classes from private to state schools. The subjects are very clear like foreign countries, it is completely surprisingly close. And in Vietnam, one of the best schools in the subject of information - my favorite subject is Polytechnic.


+ Việt Nam là nước phổ cập chương trình các cấp.

+ Việt Nam có các môn học giống y như là nước ngoài

+ Tôi muốn vào trường Bách khoa



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