talk about the type of further education and your choices and preferences for further education

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Certain careers such as those in medicine and law in general are considered prestigious and lucrative. But there are costs - both tangible and intangible - associated with pursuing a career in these and other well-paying careers. The benefits outweigh the costs? Read to find out. Dream Vs. Profitable Student Let us first distinguish an individual's dream job from a lucrative one. A dream job is often a matter of personal preference, and is one that is particularly well-suited to an individual's personal situation. So a working mom's dream job can be flexible and allow her to work from home when needed. However, flexible options and telecommuting are unlikely to be desirable career attributes for a battery-charging executive who is intent on climbing the corporate ladder. The focus of this article is on the highest paying professions. Instead of using subjective criteria to define such occupations, we rely on the annual data of the Occupational Labor Statistics Survey (OES) released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. provides employment and wage estimates for more than 800 occupations. Xem thêm về văn bản nguồn nàyNhập văn bản nguồn để có thông tin dịch thuật bổ sung

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