Supply the correct verb form. 1.He thinks that it .............(rain) tonight 2.She said that she ........(get) married soon. 3. Bill said that he .........(lose) his bicycle 4.He knew that I ...........(come) the following week 5.I was taught that the sun..........(be) bigger than the moon 6.the boy knew that an hour ............(have) sixty minutes 7.I didn't know what time it .........(be) , so I .............(turn) on the radio 8. I wondered whether I ..........(lock) the door or not 9.they hoped that they............( end) soon 10 This is the house that kack .........(build ) three years ago.

1 câu trả lời


1. will rain

2. would get

3. had lost

4. would come

5. is

6. has

7. was/turned

8. had locked

9. would end

10. built