Name some problems that are happening in your city at the moment. If you had power and a lot of money, what would you do to improve your city?

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In my city there are many issues that deserve attention. One of the most prominent issues is the current issue of domestic violence. And if I have the power and a lot of money then I will do the following to improve my city:
- First: Strengthening more information and propaganda of the Law on Domestic Violence Prevention and Control, the Law on Gender Equality to raise awareness towards the behavior change of people of all strata about domestic violence. . 
Gender equality education must be implemented right from the family to school and society. Both genders' awareness of their rights and duties must be raised in relation to family members. 
- Second: promoting the good traditions of the family; role of relatives. Maintain stability, solidarity and warmth in the family; do well in reconciling conflicts and disputes between family members. 
Timely prevention and protection and assistance to victims of domestic violence; need to equip victims with knowledge to protect themselves such as: occupation, financial independence, educational attainment, sense of self-mastery and family, knowledge to preserve family happiness. family, raising children . . . 
- Third: to step up the movement of building cultured families and civilized lifestyles; It is necessary to pay attention to building a cultural family, a cultural village, including the criteria of no domestic violence, no abuse of alcohol, no gambling and drugs to recognize a cultural family. 
- Fourth: strictly punish people who commit domestic violence in accordance with the Government's Decree No. 110/2009 / ND-CP on regulations on sanctioning of administrative violations in the field of violence prevention. family force. 
- Fifth: integrate the program on domestic violence prevention and gender equality in the socio-economic development plan of all levels and sectors. 
 To adopt solutions to concretize targets and targets on domestic violence prevention and control and prevention of social evils entering the family. 
 Build sustainable family institutions to prevent domestic violence, at the same time strengthen the leadership role of Party Committees at all levels, local authorities, coordinate with agencies, departments and unions in implementation of domestic violence prevention and combat and gender equality. 

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