Lấy VD vs các cụm động từ: - find out - bring out - look through - keep up with smd. = get go (well) with smd. - look forward to - run out of smt - pass down - live on - deal with smt - close down - face up to - tủn down

2 câu trả lời

1. We found out later that we had been at the same school.

2. A crisis brings out the best in her.

3. She looked through her notes before the exam.

4. How many of your old school friends do you keep up with?

She's never really got on with her sister.

5. We're really looking forward to seeing you again.

6. Time is running out for the trapped miners.

7. His is a family trade, passed down from generation to generation.

8. He lived on for fifteen years after his wife died.

9. She is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job.

10. All the steelworks around here were closed down in the 1980s.

11. She had to face up to the fact that she would never walk again.

12. He asked her to marry him but she turned him down.

1.She found out that he'd been cheating on her.

2.They keep bringing out smaller phones.

3.I've looked through some catalogues.

4.They are struggling to keep up with the mortgage repayments.

5.I’m looking forward to my vacation.

6.I’ve nearly run out of money.

7.The word being passed down from the leadership is that the polls are showing good results.

8.We lived on very little when we first got married.

9.How do you intend to deal with this problem?

10.He said he would close down before he would force all hands to join the union.

11.She's going to have to face up to the fact that he's not going to marry her.

12.When the market turns down, recruitment is one of the first areas companies look at to make savings

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