is your hobby easy and difficult? why? nói về sở thích nấu ăn

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I think that hobby is very important thing in the life. Today, we have many hobbies which are very popular and modern. For example theatre, photography, reading, collecting marks or doing some videos. It seems to me that hobby is the greatest thing in my life.

Let’s start with my own hobby. My hobby’s cooking. I like to cook and experiment with some products. It is very exacting and funny. In my opinion, many people like cooking but a only some of them do it as a hobby, because you must have a talent. Another advantage of cooking is that you must not do everything that is written in cookery books. On the other hand, cooking is a very good hobby, because you use a lot of qualified products and there are no chemicals.

It seems to me that having such a hobby at my age cooking is very good, as it will be an advantage in future for me, because I will cook healthy and qualified food for my children and husband. And nowadays I know what I will cook for my family.

To sum up, I believe that everyone needs some hobby to relax and in order not to waste time on unnecessary and unimportant things.

I want to tell you about one of my favorite hobbies, which is cooking. Cooking seems a little bit difficult for most people but to me, it is very easy. I love to cook homemade meals because they are healthy, less fattening and nutritious to eat. My favorite things that I like to cook are beef noodles soup and pasta with tomato sauce or tuna casserole. Cooking to me is also an enjoyable thing to do as well as it being a special hobby. I encourage people to take this opportunity to make healthy cooking a part of their everyday lifestyle. From what I know, a lot of people eat the wrong foods at the wrong time; so they will make up excuses for not eating healthy. It’s no wonder people are extremely obese and they should take proper care of themselves. Those kinds of people just don’t want to listen to their physicians. That’s why people have health problems such as heart attacks, which could lead to possible death. Please think of healthy cooking as a hobby and a healthy lifestyle to you and your family.
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