III - Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given. 1. If/ it/ not rain/ tomorrow/ I/go/camping/ my friends. 2. I/ never/ travel/by/ air before. 3. The students/ study/ for exam/ now. 4. It/be/ such/ cold day/ we/ decide/ not/ go out. 5.One/ disadvantages/ watch TV/ too much/ that/it/ harm/ our eyes. 6. There/ be/ gradual/ decrease/ number/ people/ out of work/ so far.

2 câu trả lời

1. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I will go camping with my friends.

Câu điều kiện loại 1: hành động có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai

If + S + V, S + will + V

2. I have never travelled by air before.

Thì hiện tại hoàn thành

Dấu hiệu: never, before

S + have + PII

3. The students are studying for the exam now.

Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn

Dấu hiệu: now

S + be + V-ing

Students: Số nhiều -> are

4. It is such a cold day that we decide not to go out.

Such + N/N phrase

Decide + to V

5. One of the disadvantages of watching TV too much is that it is harmless to our eyes.

6. There has been a gradually decreasing number of people out of work so far.

Hai câu cuối mk chịu ko bt nên giải thích ntn

III - Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given. 
`1.` If/ it/ not rain/ tomorrow/ I/go/camping/ my friends.

`\text{ If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I will go camping with my friends.}`
`2.` I/ never/ travel/by/ air before.

`\text{I've never travelled by air before.}`
`3.` The students/ study/ for exam/ now.

`\text{The students are studying for exam now.}`
`4.` It/be/ such/ cold day/ we/ decide/ not/ go out.

`\text{It was such a cold day that we decided not to go.}`
`5.` One/ disadvantages/ watch TV/ too much/ that/it/ harm/ our eyes.

`\text{One of the most disadvantages of watching TV too much that is it harms our eyes.}`
`6.` There/ be/ gradual/ decrease/ number/ people/ out of work/ so far.

`\text{There has been a gradual decrease in the number of people out of work so far.}`

Học tốt `!!`


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