Giup minh nhe. Cảm ơn ạ Find the mistake in the following passage: 0....... A great majority of adults in the industrialized world –in fact, about 90 1....... per cent- will be married at some time in their lives. Of those who 2 ...... do not, some may choose to remain single, but others will 3 .......... have no choice. An alarming number who marry will divorce, but 4 .......... this is because marriage itself has lost its attraction –instead 5 .......... people give up particular relationships and try back. For example, 6. ......... of the four out of ten American marriages that possibly end up divorce, 7 .......... 80 per cent are preludes to further unions. Every society has its 8 .......... own definition of what a perfect marriage it should be. In the Western 9 .......... world, it seems that a husband and wife have been a perfect marriage if 10.......... they love each other, have no other sex partner, display trust, 11.......... loyalty and intimacy, confide in each other, show mutual respect, are 12 ......... willing to listen to their partner’s concern and are agree on their 13. ........ children’s up-bringing. However, from time to time the balance of social expectations shifts. For example, a study carried out in 1986 showed that 14 ........ 74 per cent of American couples rating "equality in the relationship” 15 ........ an important component of marriage. We can be fare sure that their great-grandparents (and particularly their great-grandparents) did not place the same value in this.

2 câu trả lời

0) industialized ⇒ industrial

1) be ⇒ ∅

2) do not ⇒ will not

3) marry ⇒ married

4) because ⇒ ∅

5) particular-particularly

6) four ⇒ fourth

7) preludes ⇒ preluded

8) what ⇒ which

9) been ⇒ ∅

10) other ⇒ others

11) in ⇒ with

12) agree ⇒ agreeing

13) study ⇒ student

14) rating ⇒ rated

15) fare ⇒ fared


ℂ?? ??̀?? ??? ?* + ??̉? ?̛? + ??̂? ???̉ ??̛̀? ??? ???̂́? ??? >~<

~ ????? ???? ?? ~

0. industialized-industrial not -will not












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