DERIVATIVES or WORD FORMATION Ex1: 41:Send the letter by .......... if you want it to reach the recipient in time (AIR) 42:The the area are against the building of the expressway (RESIDE) 43:Come to stay at our hotel we are sure to give the greatest ..........and good service (COMFORTABLE) 44:The supermarket is offering a wide ..........of spring clothes for you yo choose from (SELECT) 45:Rice cooked in clay pot is one of the this restaurant (SPECIAL) 46:I want to become a press ............when I grow up (PHOTOGRAPH) 47: Hoa brought a dictionary in her .........for the E nghlish lesson (PACK) 48:As soon as my younger brother could tell the time ,he was given ..........(WRIST) 49:Television is one of the cheapest form of ............(ENTERTAIN) 50: I prefer the ........... village to the noisy city (PEACE) 51: Some of my .............are living in the countryside (RELATION) 52:My father plans to the countryside after he retires (PERMANENT) 53:Read the user's manual carefully ,it will give you a lot of useful .............(INFORM) 54:This part of the library is for college students only it is not high school pupils (ACCESS) 55:I didn't sleep very well that night and got a terrible headache the ..........morning (FOLLOW) 56:Few people want to eat that restaurant because of the ..... smell from the garbage dump nearby (PLEASE) 57:Our ........are doing their best to improve the people 's quality of life (GOVERN) 58:What's the ..........time of your flight? (DEPART) 59:I'm going to buy a motorcycle .I'm tired of riding on ..........bese (CROWD) 60:English is an ..........and impoetant subject (INTEREST ) 61:The most popular after school our country is soccer (ACT) 62:Today we have literature , and hictory (PHYSICS) 63:The library in our city has over 50 ............(EMPLOY)

1 câu trả lời

41/ air

42 residents

43 comfort

44 selection

45 specialities

46 photographer

47 package

48 wristwatch

49 entertainment

50 peaceful

51 relatives

52 permanently

53 information

54 accessible

55 following

56 unpleasant

57 government

58 departure

59 crowded

60 interesting

61 activity

62 physical

63 employees

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