Air pollution in cities is growing at an alarming rate. What measures could be taken to address this problem?

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Air pollution can be defined as the addition of something harmful to the air at a faster rate than it can be absorbed. Everyone should be concerned about air pollution. It affects us all, and as it continues to worsen, so the environmental impact increases. One of the major causes of air pollution in cities is car use. Cars are used for even the shortest of journeys, and all efforts by governments to encourage people to use public transport seem to be failing. Industry is another major cause of pollution in our cities, but fortunately, new industrial sites are being built away from large urban centres. It is said that there are too many contributing factors for us to decide exactly which one is the main problem, but I believe that one of the most serious problems that needs tackling is the use of the car. In some cities laws have been passed concerning car use. Athens, for example, only allows a certain number of cars into the city centre each day. In my opinion, this is a good idea. With this kind of law people have no choice and are forced to use buses and trains. This ensures governments know that public transport will be used, and can therefore justify the investment and expense of ensuring the system works properly. Another thing governments could do is to force people to have their cars checked for carbon emissions and fine people with cars that produce high levels of harmful gases.

 -Plant more trees near densely populated areas, many vehicles pass through. It is recommended to plant more indoor air purification plants such as tiger tongue, aloe vera, cedar, ivy,...

-Propagating and raising the real awareness of each citizen to join hands to protect the environment. Take measures to reduce the amount of toxic gases released into the environment. Together, the campaign "Planting trees, causing forests". Impose heavy fines for those who deliberately set off forests.

- save fuel, turn off all electrical equipment before leaving the house, use clean fuels such as solar, wind energy.
- Limit the use of combustion fuels such as coal, firewood, fireplaces, tobacco 
Use clean, environmentally friendly technologies. Use biological remedies in agriculture instead of using toxic chemicals.