Advantage and disadvantage of living in an extended family

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Advantages of an extended family

1.- Education: children learn faster to share, to help at home and to be more careful about their things. Children get a lot of help with their homework.


2.- Socialization: in large families there is usually no loneliness, which allows children to have greater ease of relating to other people.Children have more playmates, More people to interact with and this helps them become more social.


3.- Company: there is always someone to play with, share your sorrows and also your joys, every time there is a family member who can support you.


4.- Collaboration: the members of a large family value more what they have, because they understand the sacrifice it entails for everyone.


5.- Benefits: in various places or establishments there are usually promotions for large groups and that is when they take advantage of the huge families.

6.- More support children receive more support and love  throughout their lives, from a baby to adulthood.Greater security to solve problems of economic crisis type. – Increased emotional support by being close to so many people who love you.

7. You can save money some extended family pool their resources to run their home so this help each individual to save money.

Disadvantages of an extended family

1.- Expenses: parents face much greater expenses than in cases of families with a smaller number of children.


2.- Control: parents must know how to control both their emotions and those of their children, or the atmosphere in the house can become a complete chaos.


3.- Less free time: due to so many members, leisure time may be non-existent, since there will always be someone to tell you what you do?


4.- Less privacy: in most cases they have to share a room, so privacy is rather scarce in large families.


5.- The bathroom: everyone thinks to go and bathe at the same time and if there is only one toilet is much worse.

6.- A lot of argument different tastes in food, movies and other things can lead to heated discussions .

7. – Less control of children parents are less likely to control their children because of being spoiled by grandparents or aunts and uncles.

Advantages of an extended family

1.- Education: children learn faster to share, to help at home and to be more careful about their things. Children get a lot of help with their homework.


2.- Socialization: in large families there is usually no loneliness, which allows children to have greater ease of relating to other people.Children have more playmates, More people to interact with and this helps them become more social.


3.- Company: there is always someone to play with, share your sorrows and also your joys, every time there is a family member who can support you.


4.- Collaboration: the members of a large family value more what they have, because they understand the sacrifice it entails for everyone.

Disadvantages of an extended family

1.- Expenses: parents face much greater expenses than in cases of families with a smaller number of children.


2.- Control: parents must know how to control both their emotions and those of their children, or the atmosphere in the house can become a complete chaos.


3.- Less free time: due to so many members, leisure time may be non-existent, since there will always be someone to tell you what you do? 

4.- Less privacy: in most cases they have to share a room, so privacy is rather scarce in large families.


5.- The bathroom: everyone thinks to go and bathe at the same time and if there is only one toilet is much worse.

6.- A lot of argument different tastes in food, movies and other things can lead to heated discussions .

7. – Less control of children parents are less likely to control their children because of being spoiled by grandparents or aunts and uncles.

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