a) my sister walks to the supermarket =>my sister goes...... b) there are many flowers in our garden =>our garden...... c) let is play the volleyball tomorrow afternoon =>why..... gisp minh voi , 5 sao

2 câu trả lời

a. to the supermarket on foot

walk = go on foot: đi bộ

b. has many flowers

there are ... = S + have/has...: Có cái gì đó

c. don't we play volleyball tomorrow afternoon?

Let's (Let us) + V_nguyên thể: Hãy ...

= Why don't + we ...?: Tại sao chúng ta không làm gì đó nhỉ?

a) My sister goes to the supermarket on foot.

b) Our garden has many flowers.

c) Why don’t we play the volleyball tomorrow afternoon?

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