60đ nên yêu cầu làm cẩn thận tí ạ 76. “How many survivors are there?”, asked the journalist. => The journalist wanted to know____________________________. 77. It was such rotten meat that it had to be thrown away. => The meat was____________________________. 78. It is essential that Professor Van Helsing is met at the airport. => Professor Van Helsing____________________________. 79. You can’t visit the USA unless you have a visa. => If you____________________________. 80. “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet”? asked Peter. => Peter asked if____________________________.

2 câu trả lời

76.The journalist wanted to know how many survivors there were 77. The meat was so rotten that it had to be thrown away 78. Professor Van Helsing must be met at the airport 79. If you have a visa, you can visit the USA 80.Peter asked if he could borrow Janet's typewriter

76=> The journalist wanted to know how many survivors there were .

S + wanted to know + wh - word + S + V (lùi 1 thì).

77. It was such rotten meat that it had to be thrown away.

=> The meat was so rotten that it had to be thrown away .

S + be + so + adj + that + S + V : quá...đến nỗi mà

78. It is essential that Professor Van Helsing is met at the airport.

=> Professor Van Helsing must be met at the airport.

essential: thiết yếu, cần thiết, quan trọng

79. You can’t visit the USA unless you have a visa.

=> If you have a visa, you can visit the USA.

Câu đk loại 1 dùng để nói về một sự việc có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai nếu có một điều kiện nào đó: If + S + V_htđ , S + will + V_inf

80. “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet”? asked Peter.

=> Peter asked if he could borrow Janet's typewrite.

S + asked (O)+ if/ whether + S + V(lùi 1 thì) + …

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