1.What kind of family do you live in? 2. What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of living in an extended or a nuclear family are? Giúp em với ạ, em cần gấp lắm luôn

2 câu trả lời

1. I am living in a nuclear family with my parents and my older brother.

2. I like living in a nuclear family because this type of family has many noble values. First of all, a nuclear family plays an important role in the development of the personality of individuals. Moreover, in nuclear families, the condition of the woman is better than extended families. She gets enough time to look after her children. Besides, peace and harmony are very much essential for pleasant family life.

However, in a nuclear family, both husband and wife adopt profession outside the family, then children are neglected and looked after by the servants. In addition, the feeling of loneliness is one of important drawbacks in a nuclear family.

1. I live in an extended family.


- The advantage of Extended Family

+ The children in the family enjoy multi-parenting.

+ This family structure saves from the loneliness that is generally felt in the nuclear family.

+ Children have many members that can help them in their education.

+ The cousins can play together and share their thoughts and feelings with each other.

+ This family system inculcates family values among each member of the family.

+ The resources are generally pooled together, without burdening any single one.

+ Children learn sharing, caring, and cooperation, which help them develop a bond with the community in the society.

+ Household chores are not done by an individual but being shared among the member.

+ Living together generates the feeling of oneness.

+ This kind of structure generates empowerment.

+ It imposes self-discipline.

+ Each member is guaranteed with minimum basic subsistence required for living.

+ Resource pooling saves money.

+ Built, mutual understanding and collaboration among the members.

+ Tradition and culture run down the family.

- The disadvantage of Extended Family

+ The extended family has too much of a responsibility for elderly members.

+ Economic burden might fall more on one person.

+ Loss of independence.

+ Too much of a discipline.

+ Loss of privacy as there are too many people around all the time.

+ Monarchy kind of a family structure.

+ Spoilt children as they are being pampered by the aunts and uncles.

+ Interference in the personal chores.

+ Space crunch is a general problem faced in the extended family structure.

+ The generation gap can lead to misunderstanding and conflicts.

+ Different opinions can lead to quarrel among the members.

+ Demand sharing of food, time and space among the members.

+ Shortage of resources is often felt as there are many members.

+ Allows less free time, as too much of a work.

+ Too much of household chore.

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