1. What is the current family trend in Viet Nam? 2. What are the reasons for the current trend? 3. Do you think children are happier growing up in extended families?

2 câu trả lời

1. The current family trend in Vietnam is nuclear family with two generations ( parents and children) living under one roof.

2. The reasons of this trend are that:

- Family memebers become closer.

- It’s easier to communicate and share things.

- Diving housework more equally.

3. No, I don’t think so because living in an extended family is very inconvenient and complicated.

1. Vietnam's current family trend is nuclear family (parents and children) or adding grandparents to live in the same family.

2. The reasons for this trend are:
- Family members become closer.
- Communicate and share things more easily.
- Divide the housework more rationally so that no one objected.

3. Yes, I think so because living in a large family, the whole family can gather together, eat and talk.

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