1 It ............. outside the main gate. not stop don't stop doesn’t stop 2 Do your shoulders ache?-No,......... it does they don't they do 3 Ask if Jane goes on duty at 7 a.m Does Jane goes on duty at 7 a.m? Do Jane go on duty at 7 a.m? Does Jane go on duty at 7 a.m? 4 Do you ..........shift work? do go on 5 Ask the patients about his eyes. Do your eye hurt? Do your eyes hurt? Does your eyes hurt? 6 My mother usually .......duty at the weekends goes on comes on go on 7 I work in the x- ray department. – And Sister Mảry She work in the x- ray department, too. She works in the x- ray department, too. She working in the x- ray department, too. 8 I attend lecture ......... general nursing on Mondays in on at 9 she .............. duty at 10p.m comes off come off goes off 10 She ............ the State Final examinations and become a State Registered Nurse want to pass wants to pass wants to attend

1 câu trả lời

1 doesn’t stop

2 they do

3 Does Jane go on duty at 7 a.m?

4 do

5 Do your eye hurt

6 go on

7 She works in the x- ray department, too.

8 at

9 comes off

10 want to pass

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