1, Determine the content in the paragraph: It is often said that books are a treasure of human knowledge. There is a quote about reading a book as follows: "Meet a good book should buy immediately whether read or not because sooner or later need it". Books are a huge source of knowledge that will be difficult to exploit. There are many types of books: science books, literature books, business books,... Each of these books will give us different knowledge and understanding and is suitable for each different subject. Business people will find business books to read. The doctor will read books about medicine. We should read science, literature, and history books to supplement our knowledge of the subjects. On the market today there are many types of books with non-civilized content. Therefore, choosing books to read is extremely important, because the knowledge in books will affect our perception and thinking.
2 câu trả lời
Mục đích của nội dung này là : chứng minh việc chọn sách để đọc là vô cùng quan trọng bởi vì những kiến thức mà sách cung cấp cho chúng ta sẽ ảnh hưởng đến khái niệm và suy nghĩ. Và có rất nhiều loại sách để con người khám phá.
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