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Giúp em một số bài tập dưới đây được ko a. Em đang cần tìm một lời giải chi tiết ạ tại em bị mất gốc? mọi người có thể giải thích cho em tại sao ta chọn đáp án này mà ko chọ đáp ko ạ! help me! 1. had you told me that this was going to happen. I .....it. A. would never have believed B. don't believe C. hadn't believed D. can't believe 2. Pull all the toys away..... someone slips and fails on them A. provided that B. unless C. in case D. so long as 3. many argue that the world will never make the switch to cleaner forms of energy .....easily obtainable soil sources remain. A. suppose that B. providing that C. unless D. as long as 4. ......... you to be offered that job, would you have to move to another city?> A. should B. were C. had D. provided that 5. You will find their house ....... you take a good steet map with you. A. as long as B. even if C. if only D. otherwise 6. You'd better stop spending money, .... you will end up in debt. A. unless B. otherwise C. if D. in case 7. henry ......... arich man today if he had been more careful in the past. A. will have been B. will be C. would have been D. would be 8. ........ you visit him, give him my best wishes. A. Could B. Would C. Should D. might 9. Were she ten years younger, she ....... the beauty contest. A. will enter B. had entered C. would enter D. would have entered 10. If it..... their encouragment . he could have given it up. A. had been for B. hadn't been C. hadn't been for D. wouldn't have been for 11. ........ any employee be ill, they must call the office to inform their head of depature A. Were B. should C. had D. if 12. If Lucy's car...... down, she would be here right now. A. didn't break B. hadn't broken C. wouldn't have been D. doesn't break 14. If i ..... my wallet at home this morning, I ...... money for lunch now. A. leave/will have B. didn't leave/ would have C. hadn't left/ would have D. hadn't left/ would have had 15. i ...... you sooner had someone told me you were in the hospital. A. would have visited B. visited C. had visited D. visit 16......... then what i know today, i would have saved myself a lot of time and trouble over the years. A. had I known B. did I know C. if i know D. if I wold know 17. if someone...... into the store, smile and say," May I help you?" A. comes B. came C. would come D. could come

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1.Look ! A man ( run)…..........…….....……..after the bus. He (want) …….………. to catch it. 2.The baby (cry) ……........……………….because he is hungry now. 3.Tom is ill now. He (become) …..…………… ill 3 days ago. He (be) …….......…..………. ill. 4.It ( rain) ………..............……..…now. It ( rain) ………......……………..for four hours. 5.I (stay) ……….....……….. until you (come) …………………… tomorrow. 6.This is the best wine I (drink) ……………………. 7.He is reading “WAR AND PEACE ”. How long ……........… she ……....………. (read) ? 8.Shakespeare (write) ......……....…………. a lot of plays. 9.I’m busy at the moment. I (decorate) ….......................………………….. the sitting room. 10.I (buy) ………...…… a new house last year, but I (not sell) ……....………….. my old house yet, so at the moment I ( have) …………....…… two houses. 11.The boys (play) ………………. cards when they (hear) ……...…….. their father’s step. They immediately (hide)………. .....…. the cards and (take) ……………… out their lesson books. 12.When I (look) …….....…………… for my passport (hộ chiếu) I (see)……......…… this old photograph 13.He (lose) ……...…....…… his job last month and since then he (be) …..........…………… out of work 14.Mr Pound is the bank manager. He (be) ……….......………….. here for 5 years. 15. ………. you (have)…………. breakfast yet ? - Yes, I (have) …......……….it at 8 o’clock.

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1 ) Choose the correct answer. 1. To help people with transportation, we can_________rides to the elderly. A. ask B. give C. donated D. help 2. Doing volunteer work can _________you feel more confident. A. do B. make C. bring D. force 3. Stay outdoors________and do physical exercises. A. more - less B. less - less C. more - more D. les - more 4. There are many reasons_________it is important to have a hobby. A for B. why C. so D. because 5. I don't think it is difficult to________my hobby because I love it very much. A. take B. go C. have D. follow 6. Don't read or study when there is not enough light because it is______to your eyes. A. harm B. harmful C. harmless D. unharmed 7. he had a cold_________he didn't wear warm clothes in the cold weather. A. and B. or C. because D. although 8. We should help people________,especially the homeless, the elderly and street children. a. needed B. need C. at need D. in need 9. I think you should________jogging because it is very useful for your health. A. take B. to take C. to take D. take in 10. My aunt often_________money to charitable organizations to help street children and the homeless. A. makes B. does C. donates D. send 2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb forms. ( Linda and John are on a school camping holiday ) Linda : hey, john. ( 1. you / put )______________up your tent yet ? John : Yeah, I ( 2. just / done )__________it. It's that green tent. Linda : I ( 3. not / start )____________yet. I ( 4. borrow )________________this tent from David yesterday, but one of the poles is missing. John : Are you sure ? Why don't you have a look in the bag ? Linda : I ( 5. already / look )_____________. It ( 6 .not / be )________________________there. John : Calm down. Linda. I ( 7. find )_____________it. It's under your bag. Linda : That's strange. how ( 8. it / get )_____________there ? John : I have no idea. Come one. Let's put the tent up. Ten minutes later John : There you are. It's ready. It's not bad, but I think my tent ( 9. be )____________better. Linda : What's up now ? Linda : I ( 10. just / see )_______________a spider

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1) Choose the correct answer. 1. We came to the remote village and_________meals for homeless children. A. cook B. offered C. do D. made 2. You should think of_______the volunteer activities in your community. A. taking in B. taking part in C. participating D. making 3. Traditional volunteer activities include________money for people in need, cooking and giving food. A. rising B. raising C. getting D. taking 4. You can help young children by________them to do homework before or after school. A. doing B. offering C. teaching D. helping 5. let's collect and________warm clothes to homeless children in our city. A. give away B. give back C. take off D. put on 6. To help people in remote areas, we can_______transportation,such as giving rides to the elderly. A. give B. bring C. provide D. donate 7. Let's help the sweet children because they have bad________. A. live B. living conditions C. ways of life D. earnings 8. They have decided to ride to work________it is good for their health and the environment. A. so B. but C. although D. because 9. our school has a programme to________children from poor families in Ho Chi Minh City. A. ask B. offer C. tutor D. volunteer 10. Americans_______the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the early days of the community. A. have had B. has had C. had D. to have 11. Volunteers can do general_________such as clean up projects or home repair. A. activities B. things C. labour D. jobs 12. My brother and I_________a white tiger already. A. have seen B. has seen C. see D. are seeing 13. I_______blood twice, and_______presents to sick children in the hospital recently. A. donate - give B. donated - gave C. have donated - have given D. have donated - gave 14. volunteering is special_______me because I can help others. A. at B. for C. with D. to 15. How many novels. Charles Dickens__________? A. does - write B. have - written C. did - written D. dis - write 16. We to Ha Noi several times, but last summer we there by train. A. flew - went B. has flown - went C. have flown - have gone D. have flown - went 17. She________blood twenty times so far. A. donates B. has donated C. is donating D. to donate 18. He_______lectures to foreign tourists about traditional food and games recently. A. gives B. gave C. have given D. has given 19. They have decided to clean up the neighbourhood_______it is full of rubbish. A. so B. but C. although D. because 20. " Have you ever________to Sa Pa ?" A. gone B. been C. seen D. visited 21. We can make postcards and sell them to______money to help the homeless. A. rise B. raise C. get D. own. 22. Model making is a wonderful way of_______time alone or even with other people. A. spend B. spending C. take D. taking 23. I enjoy reading _______it develops my imagination. A. and B. but C. so D. because 24. We can get many________from volunteer work. A. benefit B. benefits C. advantage D. good luck 25. I feel very happy because I can________a difference in our community. A. do B. make C. bring D. take 26. We_______many toys for street children so far. A. do B. have done C. bring D. take 27. In the United States, almost everyone, at one time or another,_______a volunteer. A. be B. are C. have been D. has been 28. Wear a hat________you'll get sunburnt. A. and B. or C. but D. so 29. Working hard and doing a lot of exercise helps you burn the calories______easily. A. more B. less C. most D. the most 30. About one - fifth of the American population_______volunteer work each year. A. do B. does C. make D. makes

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1) Read the passage, and then choose the correct answer. Scouting began in England in 1907. the Boy Scouts of America started three years later. Today, there are Boy Scout programmes in more than 140 countries. In the United States alone, there are over 4 million Scouts Boy Scouts learn useful skills while having fun. Scouts swim and play sports, go camping and hiking, and learn how to survive in the outdoors. they also learn how to protect the environment. other Scout activities include making arts and crafts, learning how to use computers or fix cars. Scouts often do community service and volunteer work. Scouts learn teamwork by working together. 1) Scouting began in the United States in___________ A. 1907 B. 1910 C. 1917 D. 1920 2) There are over 4 million Scouts in_________ A. England B. the USA C. the world D. North America 3) Scouts learn many skills except_________ A. Swimming B. collecting C. going camping D. playing sports 4) Scouts activities include many except___________ A. learning how to make cars B. making arts and crafts C. learning first aid D. learning how to use computers 5) Scouts learn teamwork by__________ A. woking one by one B. working alone C. working all year round D. working in groups 2) arrange these words to make meaningful sentences. 1. you / have / finished / homework / your / yet? ____________________________________________________ 2. printer / under this guarantee / is. ___________________________________________________ 3. vacation / since / we / haven't / last /had / a/ year. ____________________________________________________ 4. Ha Noi / homeless / give / in / clothes / away / they / warm / to / people. ________________________________________________________________ 5. our / a / in / make / volunteering / different / community ________________________________________________________ 3) Complete each blank in the sentences with only ONE suitable word. 1. I've eaten too many sweets. I have____________________ 2. Do you have a painkiller ? I have a__________________ 3. I have_______________________. I think that food was bad. 4. I have a___________________in my leg. 5. Ouch ! My arm___________________________. 6. I got some water in my ear and now I have___________________ 7. I can't eat any biscuits. I have a sore_________________ 8. That's a bad___________________. Try some hot lemon tea. 9. When you have flu, you usually have a high__________________. 10) He ate some seafood yesterday. Now he doesn't feel well. He thinks he has a/an__________________

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1) Fill in each gap with the missing question or sentence in order to finish the conversation between the reporter (R) and the village (V). - What do you think of them ? - Would you like them to come back ? - Did they give you anything ? - Well, they'll come back soon, I guess. Well, I have to go. Have a good day. - Do you still get wet after the repair. V : My house had a hole in the roof and we got wet when it rained. R : (1)____________________________________________________ V : Well, it's good now. We don't get wet any more. R : (2)____________________________________________________ V : Yes. They gave US a big carton of 30 packets of instant noodles, 10 kilograms of rice, and some canned fish. R : (3)________________________________________________ V : They were very kind and nice. I love them. R : (4)__________________________________________________ V : Do you know when they come back ? R : (5)_____________________________________________________ V : Sure. Thank you veru much. Goodbye. R : Goodbye 2) Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill each blank in the following passage. Each year volunteers rom England work abroad : teachers, nurses, engineers, and people with specialskills. they do not go for money. Volunteers from Voluntary Sercice Overseas ( VSO ) receive the (1)______ pay as a local colleague. VSO first (2)________in 1958 when 14 young school leavers went away for a year. Onlythree years late three were 176 volunteers in 25 different countries, andten years later there were 15,000 volunteers. at first, almost everyone (3)________young, and without very muchexperience. But in the late 1960s, VSO reduved the number of young people, and more and more older, experienced people with different skills went abroad. Now more than 20,000 people from England have worked abroad as volunteers, some areyoung, (4________are old. Abroad they live simply with the local people, and they return (5)___________England with great understanding of other people in other parts of the world. 1) A. like B. same C. similar D. average 2) A. was starting B. has started C. started D. starts 3) A. was B. is C. were D.are 4) A. other B. another C. the other D. others 5) A. in B. to C. at D. for

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