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tìm lỗi sai trong các câu sau 1.my uncle lives two miles far from here 2.she hasn't returned back to school yet 3.we are going to lay down for an hour 4.he didn't let me to get my book 5.children had not better smoke or drink 6.these two boys help one another 7.who of the two boys is taller? 8.please give me one other book 9.he wears the same coat that i wear 10.he learns English as well as his sister is 11.the children are eager go to school 12.i don't know how many pupils are there in my school 13.these new comers look funnily 14.i feel not as tired to day as i felt yesterday 15.we didn't begin to study for the test yet 16.he has forgotten to tell us when will he be back 17.it is pleasant of reading book in spare time 18.he is so slow as he never gets to class on time 19.do you know how often does the bus run at night? 20.why do you always ask me do many exercises? 21.i'd rather not to study Maths 22.your sister was made cry by my joke 23.there was a few people at the party 24.firstly, i am going to train myself to swim and run fastly, faster and the fastest of all 25.one of my uncles is a coacher at a sports center in the city 26.he came to work for the centre as soon when he finished his train at a university 27.Secondly, i am going to take part in local as well as national sports events to show my ability 28.at the moment i am going to spend my weekend going to swimming with my family and running in the city parks 29.it not difficult to remember all the students'names in a class 30.the landlady says that this house comprises of a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen 31.Tet is a majority event in Vietnam because it is our traditional holiday 32.do you think Buddhism is a religiuos or a phylosopy?

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II. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line ADVERTISING FOR WORK An out of work (1) .............................................. was seen advertising his services on a placard outside a busy London station last week. This (2) .............................................. tactic is reminiscent of scenes from New York's Wall street during the great (3) .............................................. of the 1930s. Daniel Bell decided to try this drastic approach after months of looking for a job using more (4) .............................................. methods. He said he had sent out hundreds of CVs and applied to over 70 different jobs but only had five interviews, none of which were (5) .............................................. Now he says he has nothing to lose and hopes to impress prospective (6) .............................................. with his initiative. He plans to stand outside the station with his sign during the rush hour and giving out business cards for as long as it takes to get a job. After just two days he had received three (7) .............................................. to attend interviews so the plan seems to be working. He admits, however, that his (8) ............................................................................ has received mixed (9) .............................................. Most people seem embarrassed and try to look the other way, while others (10) .............................................. think I am being ridiculous and more than 1, ACCOUNT 2, USUAL 3, DEPRESS 4, TRADITION 5. SUCCESS 6. EMPLOY 7. INVITE 8, PRESENT 9, REACT 10, CLEAR

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I. Here are some problems in brackets. How could they have been avoided? Use the words and phrases to help you write two sentences about each problem using “I wish” and “If only” "play fewer computer games" "use car less often" "drive carefully" "let someone else drive" "watch less TV" "protect forest" "lose temper" "take rubbish home" "take more exercise" "eat less" " walk more" "recycle more paper" "keep calm" "waste water" "use bins" "save water" 1. (I’ve gained a lot of weight.) I wish .................................................................................................................................... If only .................................................................................................................................... 2. (The rivers and reservoirs have dried up.) I wish .................................................................................................................................... If only .................................................................................................................................... 3. (He crashed his car.) I wish .................................................................................................................................... If only .................................................................................................................................... 4. (He had a row with his best friend.) I wish .................................................................................................................................... If only .................................................................................................................................... 5. (People drop litter in the street.) I wish .................................................................................................................................... If only .................................................................................................................................... 6. (We are cutting down too many trees.) I wish .................................................................................................................................... If only .................................................................................................................................... 7. (People use their cars when they don’t need to.) I wish .................................................................................................................................... If only .................................................................................................................................... 8. (Children don’t read enough nowadays.) I wish .................................................................................................................................... If only ....................................................................................................................................

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