• Lớp 8
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Bai 1:Put these verbs in the present progressive tense. 1. My father( listen)..... to the radio now. 2. Where is your mother?- She......( have) dinner in the moment. 3. Mr. Nam( not work)....... at the moment. 4. The students( not study)....... in class at present. 5. ...... The children( play)...... in the park at the moment? 6. Look! The bus( come)....... 7. What..... you( do) ......., now? - I( read)...... a book. 8. Listen! We( sing)...... 9....... Your brother( play)...... volley ball in the yard at the moment? 10. What( Nam/ do )........ right now. Bai 2: Complete the sentences using the past simple from of the verbs. 1. I.....st home all weeknd( not stay) 2. My friends..... a great time in Nha Trang last year( have) 3. My vacation in Hue .... wonderful( be) 4. Last summer I..... Ngoc Son Temple in Ha Noi( visit) 5. My parents...... very tited after the trip( be) 6. I.... a lot of gifts for my little sister( buy) 7. Lan and Mai.... sharks, dolphins and turtles at Tri Nguyen aquarium( see) 8. Trung... chicken and rice for dinner( not eat) 9. They..... about their holiday in Hoi An( not talk) 10....... Phuong....... to Hanoi yesterday?( return) 11...... They...... the food was delicious?( think) 12. Yesterday, I ( go)...... to the restaurant with a client 13. Wev( drive)....... around the parking lot for 2 mins to find a parking space. 14. When we ( arrive)..... at the restaurant, place( be)...... full Bai 3: viet lai cau sao cho nghia ko doi 1. They cant go out because it is too cold outside. Because of...... 2. The students cant go to school because it is raining heavily. Because of.... 3. The excursion was cancelled because it rained suddenly Because of..... 4. Samuel is fairly tall, but he cant reach the ceiling. Although.... 5. Jenifer went to the den tist because she had a toothache. Because of..... 6. Red is a bright colour but cats cant not see it. Even though.... 7. Carod ran out side to see what was happening although she wasnt wearing any shoes. Despite...... 8. Although he took a taxi, Bill still arrived late for the concert. In spite.... 9. Inspite of his age, Mr. Benson runs four miles befor breakfast. Although.....

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Joining two sentences, using the words in brackets. 1. We must conserve water. Otherwise we will face serious water shortages. (IF) ____________________________________________________________________ 2. The weather was awful. We didn’t enjoy our camping holiday. (BECAUSE OF) ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable. They will remain in the environment for many years. (SINCE) ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Paul doesn’t think about the planet. He wastes so much water. (IF) ____________________________________________________________________ 5. Water pollution happens. Many aquatic animals such as fish can die. (LEAD) ____________________________________________________________________ 6. The climate is changing. The earth is getting warmer. (BECAUSE) ____________________________________________________________________ 7. We should stop cutting down so many trees. We endanger our oxygen supply. (UNLESS) ____________________________________________________________________ 8. People begin to recycle. They generate much less trash. (WHEN) ____________________________________________________________________ 9. We are damaging the ozone layer. The ozone layer is necessary for human existence. (EVEN THOUGH) ____________________________________________________________________ 10. Sue is suffering from skin cancer. She was exposed to radiation when she was young. (SO) ____________________________________________________________________

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Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentence. 1. After the accident, many people were exposed________ radiation. A. from​B. at​​C. to​​D. with 2. Light pollution has a wide range of negative effects________ I’m human health. A. on​B. of​​C. for​​D. to 3. ________can cause high blood pressure, heart problems, sleep disturbances, and hearing problems. A. Air pollution ​B. Light pollution ​C. Water pollution ​D. Noise pollution 4. The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have risen________ the burning of fossil fuels. A. therefore​​B. because​​C. in spite of​​D. due to 5. If rubbish is non-biodegradable, it________ forever. A. exists​​B. will exist​​C. won’t exist​​D. doesn’t exist 6. ________are Chemicals that are used to kill unwanted plants, such as weeds. A. Fertilizers​B. Pesticides​C. Herbicides​​D. Pollutants 7. There would be much less pollution________ people stopped using cars completely. A. if​​B. since​​C. when​​D. although 8. Emissions of pollutants into the air can________ changes to the climate. A. get on​​B. end up​​C. go into​​D. result in 9. ________can we help save our environment? A. What​​B. How​​C. Why​​D. How much 10. If we care about plastic waste________. A. why won’t we stop drinking bottled water? ​B. we would use reusable shopping bags C. we will throw away plastic water bottles. ​D. why don’t we buy plastic bags?

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1.Wheres mary? She( listen) ..... to a new CD in hẻ room 2. Dont forget to take your umbrella will you today. You know it (be)... the raining season now. 3. Jean always( learn)... english at this time every day but today she( not study).... at the moment. 4. What time....( themeting/ happen) tomorrow? I ( not know )...... it yet. I( wait)..... for the announcement. 5. Where.....( you/ live) since you moved from your old house? 6. Look! The sun ( rise) ..... over the ocean. This is the most amazing scene I(every/see).... 7. He(speak) .....Japanese so well because. He( come)..... from Japan 8......( you/ usually/go)for Christmas or.....( you/ stay) at home? 9. Look! Your friend( hold) ...... some roes. They( look)..... lovely 10........( you/ finish) your assignment yet? No, I.... 11. My father usually( walk)...... to work but now hw ( drive) ...... his car 12. I( not think)....... Mary( sleep)..... because I can hear some noise from her room. 13. My grandparents( bring)....... me up since I was very small. 14. How long.....( Peter/ work)in his firm? 15. James( always/ complain)........ It( be)..... hard to please him 16. I( just/ realize).... that there are only four weeks to the end of them. 17. This is the second time I(be).... to London. 18. Now the childen( not want) ..... to go to sleep. They( prefer)...... their mother to tell them bedtime stories. 19........(they Want) a horror movie befor? Yes, they( watch)..... a plenty of such movies befor. 20. Jim( cook).... so tired now. He( work)..... non- stop since the morning

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BÀI 1 16/ The children are busy (collect) _________ shells on the beach. 17/ The teacher promised (help) _________ us (prepare) _________ for the examination. 18/ We regret (say) _________ that the lecture was dull and wasn’t worth (listen) _________ to. 19/ There’s no (deny) _________ that he enjoys (listen) _________ to his own voice. 20/ Is (boil) _________ or (fry) _________ the best way of (cook) _________ this fish ? 21/ It’s no use your (ask) _________ him (lend) _________ you any money. 22/ Can you manage(finish) _______ (write) ______ these reports by yourself ? 23/ He advised me( consider) _____ all the facts before (decide) _____ (accept) _____ the job. 24/ They refused (allow) _____ us (go) _____ in without (sign) ______ the book. 25/ My uncle used to (show) _________ me where (go) _________ and what (buy) ________. 26/ There’s nothing like (walk) _________ as a means of (keep) _________ fit. 27/ Your doctor advised (go) ____ to bed early, so I really can’t understand your (want) ____ (stay) ____up late. 28/ We considered (give) ____her a dress for her birthday, but couldn’t help (buy) _____her some flowers, too. 20/ Would you mind (keep) ______ quiet for a moment ? I’m trying (fill) _________ in a form. - It’s no use (ask) _____ children (keep) ____ quiet. They can’t help (make) _________ noise BÀI 2 Rewrite the following sentences 13/Please don’t interrupt me all the time. -Would you mind_______________________________________________? 14/I would like you to help me to put the chairs away? - Do you mind_________________________________________________? 15/I’m quite happy to look after the baby for you. -I don’t mind __________________________________________________ 16/ “ I haven’t done anything wrong,” Tom said. -Tom denied __________________________________________________ 17/The driver of the car said it was true that he didn’t have a licence -The driver of the car admitted_____________________________________ 18/I remember someone telling me the news. -I remember being_______________________________________________ 19/Are you sure you paid those bills yesterday? -Do you remember ______________________________________________? 20/Don’t forget that you have to do this homework. -Please remember ______________________________________________ 21/She really didn’t want to upset him so she kept quiet. -She was anxious to avoid _________________________________________ 22/Don’t ask so many questions. -Please stop ____________________________________________________ 23/I think we’ve discussed phrasal verbs enough now. -Let’s stop______________________________________________________ 24/He hasn’t smoked for 3 years. - He stopped___________________________________________________ 25/They haven’t played chess for a long time. -They stopped ___________________________________________________

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54. I saw her …….. the staff room. A. to enter B. enter C. entering D. entered 55. Would you mind ……….. the window? A. open B. opening C. to open D. opened 56. We saw the first star …………… in the sky. A. twinkling B. twinkle C. to twinkle D. twinkled 57. It’s no good ………. to him, he never answers letters. A. write B. being written C. writing D. to write 58. Ask him to come in. Don’t keep him ………. at the door. A. to stand B. standing C. stand D. being stood 59. The children loved ……. the old castle. A. discovering B. exploring C. hunting D. detecting 60. He devoted most of his time …….. novels. A. to having written B. to write C. to writing D. to have written 61. Who suggested ……. here for the picnic? A. come B. came C. to come D. coming 62. He pursuaded his friend ……….. for a job. A. look B. looking C. to look D. looked 63. She invited me …… and stay with her whenever I visited Da Lat. A. come B. coming C. to come D. came 64. His mother reminded him ………. the door before going out. A. lock B. to lock C. locked D. to be looked 65. At last, he admitted ……… that box. A. to open B. open C. to be open D. opening 66. My father told me ………. him when he was talking with his friends. A. not to interrupt B. not interrupting C. not be interrupted D. not interrupt 67. His sister asked him ……… too fast. A. not drive B. not to drive C. not to be driven D. not driving 68. My mother wanted me ……. a doctor. A. become B. becoming C. to become D. became 69. She agreed ………. me with my English. A. to help B. help C. helping D. to be helped 70. The librarian reminded me ………. the book back to the library. A. to give B. give C. giving D. to be given 71. Tom wanted me ……….. to the seaside with him. A. to go B. go C. going D. went 72. Many students expected their teachers …… and interested in what they were doing. A. to be motivated B. be motivated C. to motivate D. motivated 73. Almost students believed that learning should ……….. on important life skills. A. centered B. be centered C. be centering D. center 74. My mother advised me not ……. to bed late. A. go B. going C. went D. to go 75. She invited me …… to her birthday party. A. come B. to come C. coming D. came 76. The librarian asked us ……. noise in the library. A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. not to be made 77. She encouraged me ……. the exam. A. to take B. take C. taking D. took 78. John asked me not …… anyone the news. A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. told 79. My close friend invited a lot of people ………. her party. A. to B. in C. with D. on 80. I am glad you decided ……… to my party. A. come B. coming C. came D. to come

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39. ……… the story before, she didn’t want to hear the story again. A. Heard B. To hear C. Having heard D. Hearing 40. We can't count on ……….. by our parents every time we get into financial difficulty. A. rescuing B. being rescued C. to rescue D. to be rescued 41. Mary’s children are used to ………….. up after school every day. A. picking B. pick C. be picked D. being picked 42. Let your name ……. in the sheet of paper. A. to be written B. be written C. write D. being written 43. Alice didn’t expect ……….. to Jim’s party. A. inviting B. being invited C. to invite D. to be invited 44. Your son is really intelligent. He should …….. to take part in this competition. A. encourage B. encouraging C. be encouraged D. to be encouraged 45. ………… the red light, he was fined 120 thousand VND by the police. A. Having run B. Being run C. Run D. Being running 46. We looked every where but the intruder was nowhere ………. A. to see B. seen C. to be seen D. having seen 47. I don’t think that article is worth ………… A. reading B. read C. to read D. to reading 48. The soldier was punished for ……. to obey his commanding officer’s orders. A. being refusing B. having refusing C. having refused D. being refused 49. ……………. the money, they began quarrelling about how to divide it. A. Have found B. Found C. Having found D. Finding 50. . …………. all his money, he decided to go home and ask his father for a job. A. Having spent B. Spent C. Spending D. Have spent 51. You can't prevent him from ………… alcohol. A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drank 52. In spite of ……… extremely tired, I went to school. A. to be B. be C. being D. am 53. He got good marks at his exams because he spent almost his time …….. his lessons. A. revise B. revising C. to revise D. to be

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II. Do the quiz and choose the correct answers. 1. Another name for Wales is . A. Saxon B. Celtic C. Cymru D. Galle 2. You can see on the Canadian national flag. A. the maple leaf B. the red leaf C. the rose D. the oak tree 3. In 1893, became the first country in the world to give all women the right to vote. A. Canada B. New Zealand C. America D. Singapore 4. has a unique culture with traditions such as bagpipes, kilts and highland dancing. A. England B. Wales C. Scotland D. Northern Ireland 5. The name “Australia” comes from the Latin word “australis”, meaning . A. northern B. southern C. eastern D. western 6. The tallest mountain the US is Mt McKinley, located in the state of . It reaches 20,320 feet (6,194 m) above the sea level. A. Alaska B. California C. Florida D. Washington 7. The Lord of the Rings movies were filmed in . A. England B. Australia C. Canada D. New Zealand 8. Scotland only shares a border with . A. Wales B. Northern Ireland C. England D. Britain 9. The name Canada comes from the word “kanata” which means “settlement” or “ ” in the language of the St Lawrence Iroquoians. A. country B. village C. town D. nation 10. The world‟s largest reef system, the Great Barrier Reef, is found off the north-eastern coast of . A. Canada B. America C. New Zealand D. Australia III.Complete the sentences with the appropriate present tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. Each of the 50 states an official state flower so far. (adopt) 2. Since 1965, the maples tree with the leaves the most well-known Canadian symbol. (become) 3. At present, the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. to celebrate spring‟s arrival. (occur)5 4. Maori recognized as an official language of New Zealand since the Maori Language Act of 1987. (be) 5. Canada made up of 10 provinces and 3 territories. (be) 6. Australia a range of different landscapes, including urban areas, mountain ranges, desert and rain forests. (have) 7. Annually, the National Eisteddfod festival of Wales place for eight days at the start of August. (take) 8. The Statue of Liberty over 12 million immigrants entering the USA through New York Harbor since 1900. (welcome)

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II. Do the quiz and choose the correct answers. 1. Another name for Wales is . A. Saxon B. Celtic C. Cymru D. Galle 2. You can see on the Canadian national flag. A. the maple leaf B. the red leaf C. the rose D. the oak tree 3. In 1893, became the first country in the world to give all women the right to vote. A. Canada B. New Zealand C. America D. Singapore 4. has a unique culture with traditions such as bagpipes, kilts and highland dancing. A. England B. Wales C. Scotland D. Northern Ireland 5. The name “Australia” comes from the Latin word “australis”, meaning . A. northern B. southern C. eastern D. western 6. The tallest mountain the US is Mt McKinley, located in the state of . It reaches 20,320 feet (6,194 m) above the sea level. A. Alaska B. California C. Florida D. Washington 7. The Lord of the Rings movies were filmed in . A. England B. Australia C. Canada D. New Zealand 8. Scotland only shares a border with . A. Wales B. Northern Ireland C. England D. Britain 9. The name Canada comes from the word “kanata” which means “settlement” or “ ” in the language of the St Lawrence Iroquoians. A. country B. village C. town D. nation 10. The world‟s largest reef system, the Great Barrier Reef, is found off the north-eastern coast of . A. Canada B. America C. New Zealand D. Australia III.Complete the sentences with the appropriate present tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. Each of the 50 states an official state flower so far. (adopt) 2. Since 1965, the maples tree with the leaves the most well-known Canadian symbol. (become) 3. At present, the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. to celebrate spring‟s arrival. (occur)5 4. Maori recognized as an official language of New Zealand since the Maori Language Act of 1987. (be) 5. Canada made up of 10 provinces and 3 territories. (be) 6. Australia a range of different landscapes, including urban areas, mountain ranges, desert and rain forests. (have) 7. Annually, the National Eisteddfod festival of Wales place for eight days at the start of August. (take) 8. The Statue of Liberty over 12 million immigrants entering the USA through New York Harbor since 1900. (welcome)

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I. Choose the right word in brackets to fill in the blank. 1. Last night I watched the movie Romeo and Juliet. At last they killed..............................(together/ each other/ themselves/ them). 2. (What/ Do/ Would/ Will) ............. you like to come? – I‟d love to. 3. We must be there ............................ (at/ before/ between/ after) 7.30 and 8.15. 4. When my grandmother was young, she used ..................... (sing/ to sing/ sang/ sung) very well. 5. Don‟t go .................... (outside/ inside/ into/ away). It's too cold. 6. Our team played well ........................... (too/ that/ so/ enough) to win the gold medal. 7. Don‟t let your child ........................ (play/ to play/ playing/ plays) with matches. 8. How long will he ................. (must/ should/ have to/ has to) stay there? 9. Our team won the game because we played very .................. (good/ well). 10. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me ................ (perfect/ perfectly). 11. He had an accident because he was driving too ................ (fast/ fastly). 12. Tom is a ....................... driver (careful/ carefully). He is driving along the narrow road. (careful/ carefully) 13. Do you usually feel ................... (nervous/ nervously) before examination? 14. She speaks English ................................... (fluent/fluently). 15. He hurt himself ................ (bad/badly). 16. He looked me .............. when I interrupted him. (angry/ angrily) 17. I always feel ............. when the sun is shining. (happy/ happily) 18. Lan worked very .................... for the exam. (hard/ hardly) 19. I am not ........................................ at Math. (good/ well) 20. My aunt speaks English very ............... (good/ well/ goodly/ best). 21. We have math on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; it means we have math ................. (once/ twice/ three times/ four times) a week. 22. Lan promises to ............................. (try/ make/ work/ learn) her best in learning English.

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Change into passive voice. 1. They knew that he stole the car. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. It is difficult to answer the questions ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. She will be able to meet him. ………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. He is going to visit the family. ………………………………………………………………………………… 5. You must sweep the room everyday. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 6. We have to learn English every night. …………………………………………………………………………………… 7. They must improve plumbing at the village. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8. He is going to grow vegetables in the garden. …………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. She used to drink coffee at night. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10. The people can raise cows at Duc Linh. …………………………………………………………………………………………… 11. Have you ever met her? …………………………………………………………………………………………. 12. Who can do the exercises? ………………………………………………………………………………… 13. What are you doing?

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Change into passive voice. 1. Nam will send the letters next Sunday. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Daisy was watching the film at 3 p.m yesterday. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Her teacher gave me a pen last month. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. She is decorating the house. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. It is very important to study the lesson. …………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 They thought that you were selfish. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Who gave you the book? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Nobody meets her. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 9. People have never seen dragons. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10. They hardly meet me at the beach. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 We have to learn the grammar hard. …………………………………………………………………………………………… 12. She often sweep the floor every morning. …………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 No one can do the exercise. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 14 .They knew that he stole the car.

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Giúp mik vs ạ mai nộp r 1………….. I live in a village by the Mekong River. Every day, like most of my friends, I walk to school. It is three kilometres away. After class, I often help my mother collect water from the river and feed the chickens. At the weekend, the villagers often gather at the community hall where there is a TV. The adults watch TV, but more often they talk about their farm work and exchange news. The children run about, playing games and shouting merrily. Laughter is heard everywhere. 2………………. My father sometimes takes me to the market town nearby where he sells our home products like vegetables, fruits, eggs ... He then buys me an ice cream and lets me take a ride on the electric train in the town square. I love those trips. 3……………….. On starry nights, we children lie on the grass, looking at the sky and daring each other to find the Milky Way. We dream of faraway places. 1. Choose the correct heading for each paragraph. Our dreams Life in the village My trips to town 2. Find a word/ phrase from the passage which matches the definition. a. Get water from a river and bring it home. :…………………….. b. Give food. :……………………….. c. A place where the villagers can gather for important events. :………………………. d. A place where a street is used for the locals to sell their home products. :…………………… e. Sit on a bus or a train for it to take you about. :………………………………. f. Challenging somebody to do something difficult. :…………………………….. 3. Answer the questions 1. What does the boy often do to help his parents after class? →……………………………………………………………………………….. 2. When does the villagers gather at the community hall? →……………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Do all the villagers gather at the community hall at the weekend to talk about their farm work and exchange news? →……………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Who sometimes takes him to the market town nearby ? →……………………………………………………………………………….. 5. What does he sell at the market? →……………………………………………………………………………….. 6. Does he like to ride on the electric train on his trips to town? →……………………………………………………………………………….. 7. What do the village children dream about? →……………………………………………………………………………….. 8. Do the village children dare to each other to find the Galaxy? →………………………………………………………………………………..

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Giúp mik vs cần gấp mai nộp r Reading comprehension IV. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. COMMUNAL HOUSE (RONG HOUSE) The Rong House can only be (1)……….. in villages to the north of the Central Highlands, especially in Gia Lai and Kon Turn provinces. It is a large, imposing, beautifully decorated stilt house built (2)……….. in the middle of the village. It is where community activities (3)………..: meetings, wedding ceremonies, or playing ceremonies. It is also the place for for reception of guests. The Rong house of each ethnic group has its own architectural style, design, and décor. Yet there are shared (4)……….. In the village, it is often (5) ……….house roofed with yellow-dried thatch leaves and having 8 big wood columns. The rafters are decorated with patterns of bright colour, depicting religious scenes, legendary stories about ancient heroes, stylized animals, and other familiar things of the village life. The most distinction of the decor of the Rong House is the (6) ………. Of the brilliant God of Sun. The Rong House is a (7) ………of the culture of Central Highlanders, an age-old and stable culture. The bigger the house, the wealthier the village is. It is a (8) ………of the whole village. 1. A. found B. find C. to find D. finding 2. A. on B. in C. at D. under 3. A. happens B. take on C. take place D. occurs 4. A. features B.cultures C. customs D. designs 5. A. a big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest 6. A. portrait B. photo C. image D. painting 7. A. signal B. sign C. symbol D. scene 8. A. design B. pride C. proud D. respect

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Giúp mik vs cần gấp mai nộp r ạ III. Make the questions from the underlines words or phrases. 1. Vietnam has 54 ethnic groups. …………………………………………………………………………………….? 2. Kinh people account for 87% of the country's population. …………………………………………………………………………………….? 3. The other 53 ethnic minority groups mainly inhabit in mountain areas. …………………………………………………………………………………….? 4. Among ethnic minorities, the most populated groups are Tay, Thai, Muong, Hoa, Khmer, Nung….. …………………………………………………………………………………….? 5. The Vietnamese government has issued specific policies and special treatments in order to enhance the living standards of mountainous people. …………………………………………………………………………………….? 6. People should make great effort to preserve traditional cultural identities of each ethnic minority group. …………………………………………………………………………………….? 7. The Cham people once boasted a flourishing culture early in the history. …………………………………………………………………………………….? 8. The least populated group is Odu with several hundred people. …………………………………………………………………………………….? 9. The Yao people is always proud of their elaborate costumes. …………………………………………………………………………………….? 10. The traditional cultural identifies of ethnic groups are diverse and unique. …………………………………………………………………………………….?

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Giúp mik vs ạ đang cần gấp I. Circle the correct answer (A,B,C or D) to complete each sentence. 1. Tet is an occasion for people to show their to their ancestors. A. respect B. society C. remember D. reserved 2. They spent 2 hours how to make Chung Cake. A. to learn B. learn C. learning D. to learning 3. Most ethnic minorities live in areas. A. mountainous B. rural C. urban D. modern 4. Vietnam is a multi-cultural country with over 50 ______ groups. A. popular B. rich C. ethnic D. major 5. Lan is hooked ______ K-pop. A. at B. on C. in D. to 6. Parents often prevent their children from the computer games. A. playing B. to play C. play D. plays 7. Banh Chung is one of the foods in Vietnam. A. complex B. traditional C. disgust D. tasteless 8. When you do such as football, volleyball, you develop team spirit. A. outdoor activities B. team sports C. indoor activities D. individual activities 9. Hmong is an ethnic . A. minority B. area. C. people D. region. 10. is the largest ethnic group? - The Kinh A. Whom B. When C. Who D. Why 11. The boys often help their parents to _________ water from the village well. A. gather B. collect C. give D. find 12. In the countryside, people can see the ______ fields stretching to the horizon. A. peaceful B. vast C. quiet D. nomadic 13. ______ month is the Hoa Ban Festival of the Thai people held in? A. When B. Which C. How many D. How often 14. It is typical of the cultural life of Thai people. A. some B. a C. the D. φ 15. An old woman was the goats up the mountainside. A. riding B. taking C. herding D. running 16. The sentence “c u 2moro” means: A. See you tomorrow B. Nice to meet you C. Thanks to you D. Chat you tomorrow 17. A ______ is a type of box that people use for keeping bees in. A. beehive B. kennel C. grassland D. set 18. Many People are computers and mobile phones. They use them a lot. A. bored with B. addicted to C. worried about D. afraid of 19. I love with my best friend on the weekend. We go window- shopping or to the cinema. A. chatting B. texting C. hanging out D. visiting 20. My younger sister has found a .kit in the storage. A. CD B. origami C. craft D. book

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2. READING Life is changing rapidly in the large cities of England. However, life in other areas remains much the (1) ……. as it has been for centuries. Factories have brought huge population increases to the cities, and city life boomed. City residents have discovered a new (2) …… of life, but in country villages the traditional lifestyle has remained nearly (3) ….There have been a few changes, particularly the new steam-powered machinery. It made farm production more (4)……. But for the people who remain in the countryside, daily life continues much as it had before the (5)…….. Revolution. Life in country villages continues to (6) …… at a slow pace. The daily schedule depends on the times that the sun rose and set and on the weather. In a typical village, the (7) …… number of workers is still employed in agriculture or in domestic service. A smaller number of people work in various trades. Even (8) ……work in the professions. a. Choose the most suitable word to fill in the blank 1. A. similar B. same C. different D. difference 2. A. method B. walk C. way D. path 3. A. changeful B. changeable C. unchanged D. change 4. A. efficient B. efficiently C. efficiency D. inefficient 5. A. Industry B. Industrial C. Industrialize D. Industrialized 6. A. run B. walk C. move D. drive 7. A. largest B. biggest C. highest D. all are correct 8. A. more B. less C. few D. fewer b. Fill in the blank with one word/ phrase from the passage 1. The population in the city has increased because of ……………. 2. There have been hardly any changes in the ……………… in rural areas. 3. Steam - powered machinery helps ………………. a lot. 4. The daily schedule of people in the countryside depends on ……………. 5. Most countryside people in England work in agriculture or in ……………...

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