• Lớp 7
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XII. Read the text carefully, then do the tasks. Large cities often have problems that small towns and rural areas do not have. Two of the biggest problems are heavy traffic and the pollution that cars create. Of course. Traffic problems and pollution are not only found in big cities. However, the higher populations and larger number of cars on the roads in cities can make the problems happen more often and with more noticeable effects. One of the most common traffic problems the large cities have is congestion. As the population of a city increases, so does the number of cars on the road. Cities cannot always improve the number and size of their roads and highways to keep up with the number of cars. The result is traffic congestion, or traffic jams. When traffic jams happen, cars that are stuck in the congestion continue to run their engines. This creates pollution and is a big problems. Pollution causes health problems for the people in cities and also hurts the environment. A. Match the words with their meanings. 1. rural a. being too crowded or too full 2. noticeable b. unable to move 3. congestion c. easy to see or recognize 4. traffic jam d. in the countryside, not in the city 5. stuck e. too many vehicles in one place prevents B. Choose the correct answers. 1. Where do traffic problems and pollution frequently happen? a. small towns b. rural areas c. big cities d. remote villages 2. According to the passage, what causes traffic congestion in big cities? a. A lot of city dwellers b. Too many cars on the roads c. Careless drivers d. Less traffic signs on the streets 3. The high number of cars is caused by_________ a. urban planning b. traffic congestion c. environmental pollution d. the population 4. The highway and road network is ________ of meeting the requirement of increasing number of vehicles. a. full b. aware c. incapable d. uncertain 5. Which of the followings is NOT true? a. Only big cities have the problem of pollution. b. Traffic jams cause pollution c. Pollution is a major problem in big cities. d. Pollution causes health and environmental problems.

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Mọi người ơi, giúp mình với Most children at the tender age of six or so are full of the most impractical schemes for becoming policemen, firemen or train drivers when they grow up. But when I was that age, I could not be bothered with such mundane ambitions. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I was going to have my own zoo. At the time, this did not seem to me, and still does not seem, a very unreasonable idea. My friends and relatives, who had long found me strange because I showed little interest in anything that did not have fur or feathers, accepted this as just another manifestation of my strangeness. They felt that, if they ignored my often-repeated remarks about owning my own zoo, I would eventually grow out of it. As the years passed, however, to the bewilderment of those friends and relatives, my resolve to have my own zoo grew greater and greater, and eventually, after going on a number of expeditions to bring back animals for other zoos, I felt the time was ripe to acquire my own. From my latest trip to West Africa, I had brought back a considerable collection of animals which were living, temporarily I assured her, in my sister's suburban garden in Bournemouth, England. But after a number of unsuccessful attempts to convince local councils in various areas to support my plans, I began to investigate the possibility of starting my zoo on the island of Jersey in the English Channel. I was given an introduction to a man named Hugh Fraser who, I was told, was a broad-minded, kindly soul. He would show me around the island and point out suitable sites. So, I flew to Jersey and was met by Hugh Fraser who drove us to his family home, probably one of the most beautiful old houses on the island. There was a huge walled garden with lots of outbuildings all built in the beautiful local stone which was the colour of autumn leaves glowing in the sunshine. Turning to my wife, I said: 'What a marvellous place for a zoo. If my host had promptly fainted on the spot, I could not have blamed him. The thought of creating the average person's idea of a zoo, with all the grey cement and iron bars, in such a lovely spot was horrible. To my astonishment, however, Hugh Fraser did not faint, but merely cocked an enquiring eyebrow at me and asked whether I really meant what I said. Slightly embarrassed, replied that I had meant it, but added hastily that I realised that it was impossible. Hugh said he did not think it was as impossible as all that. He went on to explain that the house and grounds were too big for him to keep up as a private individual, and so he wanted to move to a smaller place in England. Would I care to consider renting the property for the purpose of establishing my zoo? I could not imagine more attractive surroundings for my purpose, and by the time lunch was over, the bargain had been sealed. The alarm displayed by all who knew me when this was announced can be imagined. The only exception to the general chorus of disapproval was my sister. Although she thought it a mad scheme, at least it would rid her back garden of the assorted jungle creatures who were beginning to put a great strain on her relationship with her neighbours. 61. How did the writer's friends and family react to his childhood ambition? A. They took no notice of it. B. They encouraged him in it. C. They tried to talk him out of it. D. They tried to interest him in other things. 62. Why didn't the writer start a zoo in England? A. He had too many animals. B. His sister was against it. C. Nobody wanted to help him. D. He couldn't get permission. 63. Why was the writer introduced to Hugh Fraser? A. Hugh knew a lot about zoos. B. Hugh owned a number of houses. C. Hugh knew the island very well. D. Hugh had offered land for rent. 64. What did the writer particularly like about the place he chose for his zoo? A. its size B. its price C. its setting D. its facilities 65. How did the writer's sister feel about the establishment of the zoo in Jersey? A. alarmed B. relieved C. supportive D. disappointed

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