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Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. VIETNAMESE WEDDING CUSTOMS The wedding consists of several (1)___including asking permission to receive the bride, the procession to the groom's house, the ancestor ceremony, and the banquet party. In the morning, the groom's mother and a few close relatives would walk to the bride's house with a present of betel to ask permission to receive the (2)___at her house. The date and time of the ceremony is usually determined by a Buddhist monk or fortune teller. In the procession to receive the bride, the groom and his family often carry decorated lacquer boxes covered in red cloth to represent his (3)_____ and which include various (4) ____for the bride's family. There are either 6 or 8 boxes, but never 7 because it is bad (5) _____. After paying their (6) _____to their ancestors, the bride and groom will serve tea to their parents who will then give them advice regarding (7) ______and family. During the candle ceremony, the bride and groom's families union is celebrated and the mother-in-law of the bride will open the boxes filled with jewelry and dress her new daughter-in-law in the jewelry. Finally, the groom officially asks for permission to take his new bride (8) _____and they make their way back to his house. During the (9) ______, there is usually a 10-course meal and the bride and groom make their (10) ______to each table to express their gratitude and also get money as presents. 1. A. asks B. ceremonies C. requests D. tells 2. A. bride B. regulations C. laws D. notes 3. A. condition B. culture C. relation D. wealth 4. A. beans B. boxes C. presents D. wars 5. A. bad B. fond C. luck D. interest 6. A. respects B. allows C. stops D. refuses 7. A. existence B. dead C. marriage D. divorce 8. A. flat B. home C. house D. apartment 9. A. acquaintance B. contribution C. difficulty D. reception 10. A. troubles B. problems C. ovals D. rounds

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Fill in the gap with a suitable word PLASTIC ENDANGERS WORLD OCEANS The pollution of the oceans through waste, especially plastic, is a worldwide problem. Although most of world’s waste stays on land , an increasing amount is getting 1__________________the world’s oceans . They are gradually becoming the largest plastic dump in the world. Over the last decades we have been producing more plastic than ever before. About 10% of the total waste we produce is plastic. Due 2__________________ our consumer habits we often use plastic only once, then throw it away. Only very small amounts of plastic are recycled and can be used again. One of the biggest threats are the 50 billion plastic bags that are used every year. Plastic gets into the oceans in various ways. People who bathe on beaches pollute water in coastal regions . Tons of waste are 3__________________into the oceans from big ships. It is estimated that over 270000 tons of plastic are currently 4__________________on the world’s oceans. Most of it is very small, sometimes even impossible to see. However, there are also larger items like plastic toys or bags. As time goes on plastic waste gets smaller and smaller and is reduced to tiny pieces. Once plastic material gets into the oceans it is transported by ocean 5__________________over very large distances. These so called gyres are like whirlpools that move plastic waste across the oceans. Among the five main oceanic gyres the Pacific Garbage Patch is the most important. It spreads from the western coast of the US across the northern Pacific to Japan. The pollution of the world’s oceans through plastic has a widespread impact on humans, our nature and the environment. Sea animals, for example sea lions and seals, get caught in plastic and cannot escape. Sea birds, whales, turtles and other animals eat plastic and digest it. Plastic eaten by fish go up the food chain. Dangerous substances end up in our stomachs. More and more plastic in the oceans have attracted other species and threaten the animals that already live there.

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According to a report prepared by the Royal Botanic Gardens in London, out of 391,000 plants known to science, more than 80,000 are in danger of extinction. Along with agriculture and urbanization, the threat comes from logging and gathering of plants, as well as climate change. Scientists say governments should do more to create protected areas. “The real thing we need to be doing is identifying which are the important areas to conserve because of the incredible plant diversity they contain and which areas we should be developing,” said Kathy Willis of the Royal Botanic Gardens. Plant diversity is so great that each year, scientists identify about 2,000 new plants. A 1.5 meter insect-eating sundew [a carnivorous plant] from Brazil was discovered last year on Facebook by a specialist who was viewing photographs posted by an orchid enthusiast. Carnivorous plants have a huge following on the Internet, but other plants… not so much. And that, scientists say, also creates problems. Botany is simply not a popular subject in schools. “It’s very rarely taught as ‘this is a really important discipline because plants underpin all aspects of our human wellbeing,’ from climate regulation, to food and fiber and fuels,” said Willis. Botanists working on collecting and logging the data say for now, the task is so daunting that it is practically impossible to document all the plants that are becoming extinct. Answer the following questions, based on the information provided in the text above Why are lots of plants facing extinction? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.How many plant species are in danger of becoming extinct? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Which kind of plants are popular on the Internet? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Why is teaching botany important? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Câu 5: People have sent ............................. to investigate the seabed. A. submarines B. Airplanes C. spaceships D. helicopters Câu 6: I'll pay you double _______ you get the work finished by Friday. A. if B. unless C. supposing D. provided Câu 7: Many sea animals are at.......................... due to hunting and water pollution. A. loss B. death C. Risk D. Danger Câu 8: A: I don’t know how to use this camera? B: It's quite easy. ……........... you A. I going to show B. I'll show C. I’m will show D. I’m going to show Câu 9: We………………..use herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers that harm the environment A. should not B. should C. will D. does not Câu 10: The animals are not kept in …………..they can live in their natural environment A. cages B. house C. hotel D. restaurant Câu 11: If you ………… to me, you wouldn’t have got so much trouble. A. listened B. would listen C. had listened D. would have listened Câu 12: There is a large …………….. of animals that live in Nairobi National Park. A. varied B. vary C. variety D. various Câu 13: My home village is …………….. 40 kilometres north of the capital. A. held B. surrounded C. laid D. located Câu 14: A: Would you like………………………. lunch with us? ”. B: “Yes I’d love to”. A. have B. to have C. having D. had Câu 15: if you don’t know how to spell a word, you ……… look it up in the dictionary. A. must B. will C. should D. ought Câu 16: These flowers are fresh. They .................... from the garden A. have been just picked B. have just been picked C. have been picked just D. just have been picked Câu 17: You .............. go to bed late. It’s not good for your health. A. mustn’t B. should C. shouldn’t D. oughtn’t Câu 18: Linda: Excuse me. Where’s the post office? Maria: ………………. A. It’s over there B. I’m afraid not. C. Don’t worry. D. Yes, I think so. Câu 19: I think you ................study hard for the next exam. A. could B. will C. would D. should Câu 20: The life ......... of sperm whale can be up to seventy years. A. distance B. period C. length D. span Câu 21: Without plants, most of water would ……………………….as soon as it falls. A. run off B. run after C. run away D. run by Câu 21: If Lan had worn a rain coat, she ............... a cold A. had got B. wouldn’t get C. won’t get D. wouldn’t have got Câu 23: I still can’t believe it! My bicycle................ last night. A. was stealing B. stolen C. was stolen D. stole Câu 24: The child’s arm was swollen because he ……………….. by a bee. A. stung B. had stung C. had being stung D. had been stung Câu 25: By the end of last summer, the farmers .............all the crop. A. harvested B. had harvested C. harvest D. are harvested

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1. Jack has a right to know. He ...................the news immediately. If you don't do it, I will. A. ought to tell B. ought to be told C. may tell D. may be told 2. A package ...............carefully before it is mailed. A. has to be wrapped B. has to wrap C. had to be wrapped D. had to wrap 3. The games are open to anyone who wants to join in. Everyone ................. A. can be participated B. could be participated C. can participate D. could participate 4. You'd better not drink that river water. It ................ A. could be polluted B. could pollute C. can be polluted D. can pollute 5. A bald eagle ................from the other large birds by its white head and white tail. A. can distinguish B. can be distinguished C. could distinguish D. could be distinguished 6. When you are on duty, your uniform .................at all times. A. must be worn B. must wear C. must have worn D. must have been worn 7.Today, many serious childhood diseases_____ by early immunization.[ sự miễn dịch] A. are preventing B. can prevent C. prevent D. can be prevented 8.Bicycles_______ in the driveway. A. must not leave B. must not be leaving C. must not be left D. must not have left 9.Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony_______ next weekend. [ Symphony: khúc giao hưởng] A. is going to be performed B. has been performed C. will be performing D. will have perform 10.They advised that part-time workers should ________ A. be employing B. have been employ C. employ D. be employed

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The good news: There are more than 3 trillion trees on Earth. The bad news: There has been a 46 percent drop in the number of trees since the dawn of human civilization. The tree census was done by a team of researchers, using satellite imagery, forest inventories and technology to map the number of trees on a square kilometer level. “Trees are among the most prominent and critical organisms on Earth, yet we are only recently beginning to comprehend their global extent and distribution,” said the study’s lead author, Thomas Crowther, with the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (F&ES). Crowther said he was surprised that the census found so many trees. Previous estimates had put the number of trees at 400 billion, while Crowther’s study came up with 3.04 trillion, or 422 trees per person. Trees are important for storing carbon, improving air and water quality, and many other things humans depend on. The sub-Arctic regions of Russia, Scandinavia and North America have the highest density of trees, while the tropics account for the largest number, about 43 percent of the world’s trees. Humans are the biggest influence of tree numbers worldwide, according to Crowther, saying that tree density falls precipitously as the human population grows and that deforestation and other human activities account for a loss of 15 billion trees annually. “We’ve nearly halved the number of trees on the planet, and we’ve seen the impacts on climate and human health as a result,” Crowther said. “This study highlights how much more effort is needed if we are to restore healthy forests worldwide.” Answer the following questions, based on the information provided in the text above 1.What is the bad news highlighted in the article? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.How was the census conducted? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.How many trees are there on Earth, per person? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Where can the largest number of trees be found? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.What influences the number of trees worldwide? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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22. “Did he win the game last week?” she said (wondered)  She ………………………………………………………………………. 23. . It would be better to buy a computer now. (should) 11.I went to bed late. So I felt tiredIf ………………………….. 12 The heavy rain kept everybody from going out  If ………………… 13.They should give us the information as soon as possible The information…………………………………………….. 14. But for the storm , the plane would land on time.  If ……………………………………… 15. When did people discover this palace?  When was ………………………………………………. 16.. Unless he stops smoking, he won’t get better  If ………………………………………………………………………….. 17.If my mother doesn’t give me money, I won’t buy this house  Unless……………………………………………………………………. 18. Thanks to the development of science, our life would be better  If ……………………………………….. 19.. She said “ I won’t phone you when I am on holiday”  She said that ……………………………………………… 20. He said “ What was she doing while I was watching TV?”  . He asked ……………………………………. 21. He speaks too fast for them to understand. (If)  …………………………………………………………………………… We ………………………………………… 21. How about going for a ride? (go)  why ................................... ? 22. It would be a good idea to go shopping with your sister. (should) I think you........................................................................ 23. He prefers plain water to coffee.  He’d rather ……………………………………. 25.Your birthday party was the last time I really enjoyed myself. I…………………………………………………………..

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Exercise 2: 1. English is spoken all over world. 2. deaf are unable to hear anything. 3. I like studying Maths best. 4. People all over the world like football. 5. tea is produced in Thai Nguyen. 6. I wish today were on Sunday. 7. I often have breakfast at 6:00 pm and lunch at 11:00 pm. 8. She gave me apple and gave Lan 2 apples. 9. Smiths are going to Halong Bay next summer. 10. If I won the lottery, first I would buy piece of land in the country. 11. This morning I bought a newspaper and magazine. newspaper is in my bag but I. don't know where I put magazine. 12. Wayle is small river that cuts across park near my house. 13. Maria comes from United States. She is American girl. 14. The boy said: " Moon is bigger than Earth." 15. I bought car last week. car is over there. 16. I need few apples but lot of suggar. 17. Where is nearest shop? There is one at end of this street. 18. There are 2 cars parked outside: blue one and grey one. blue one belongs to my neighbours and I don't know who owner of grey one is. 19 My friends live in old house in small village. There is beautiful garden behind house. I would like to have garden like that. 20. What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Exercise 3: 1. John and Mary went to school yesterday and then studied in library before returning home. 2. On our trip to Spain, we crossed Atlantic Ocean. 3. Rita plays violin and her sister plays guitar. 4. farmers who are working hard on their land almost get nothing for their lifetime. 5. David played basketball and baseball at Boy's club this year. 6. The political science class is taking trip to France in Spring. 7. Last night there was bird singing outside my house. 8. She would like to enjoy Sun rising, so she often gets up early. 9. He is honest person. 10. My father went to sea when he was 14. 11. When do you hope to go to university? 12. He is one-eyed man. 13. There is useful method of learning English. 14. I've got uncle. 15. Your shoes are under bed. 16. There is a strike at hospital. 17. There is onion left in the fridge. 18. There is a splendid (long lay) view of Lake Geneva from his hotel. 19. She is nurse, so her work is to take care of sick. 20. Summer is warmest season but summer of 1971 was unusually cool. Exercise 4: 1. blind are people who can't see anything. 2. deaf are people who can't hear anything. 3. My hometown is on the bank of Hong river. 4. Tung's father bought him bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday. 5. My mother goes to church in morning. 6. I eat banana every day. 7. Harry is a sailor. He spends most of his life at sea. 8. There are billions of stars in space. 9. He tried to park his car but the space wasn't large enough. 10. We had dinner in a restaurant. 11. We had meal in a restaurant. 12. rose is my favourite color. 13. When was computer invented? 14. My daughter plays piano very well. 15. Mary loves flowers. 16. Jill went to hospital to see her friend. 17. Mrs. Lan went to school to meet her son's daughter. 18. Carol went to prison to meet her brother. 19. Sandra works at a big hospital. She's nurse. 20. She works six days week. Exercise 5: 1. Sun is a star. 2. What did you have for breakfast this morning? 3. London is capital of England. 4. When was telephone invented? 5. We visited Canada and United States two years ago. 6. We haven't been to cinema for years. 7. Do you need umbrella? 8. injured man was taken to hospital. 9. She went out without money. 10. Toshi speaks Japanese at home. 11. A man and a woman were standing outside my house man looked English but I think woman was foreign. 12. The Soviet Union was first country to send a man into space. 13. Did you watch "Titanic" on television or at cinema? 14. After lunch, we went for a walk by sea. 15. Peru is country in South America. capital is Lima. 16. It was a beautiful day. sun shone brightly in sky. 17. It is said that Robin Hood robbed rich and gave the money to poor. 18. Life is not so easy for unemployed. 19. Many people were killed in the accident. The bodies of dead were taken away. 20. The butler (người quản gia) was last person I suspected.

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