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31. People say that they bought this shop last year. - It is___________________________________________________________________. - They are_______________________________________________________________. 32. "How much do you think it will cost?" he said to me. - He asked me____________________________________________________________. 33. Mr.Brown's team has lost the game. He looks very sad. - Mr. Brown whose____________________________________________________________________. 34. Do you know the man who sat next to me at Nam’s birthday party last night? - You know_____________________________________________________________. 35. It takes Minh 2 hours to do his homework every day. - Minh spends_____________________________________________________________. 36. We were late for school because of the heavy rain. - Because it_______________________________________________________________. 37. My mother used to make us clean the house. - We used________________________________________________________________. 38. "I'm working in a restaurant, and don't care much for it."she said - She said________________________________________________________________. 39. It’s two years since I last spoke to her. - I haven’t________________________________________________________________. 40. Going swimming in the river in the summer is interesting. - It______________________________________________________________________.

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61. He remember ( drive) up to the crossroads but nothingelse after the accident. 62. Do try ( make ) less noise. I’m trying (concentrate). 63. Have you ever stopped (wonder) why she behaved like that? 64. We really need (do) some shopping, we’re running out of everything. 65. I’ve tried (jog) and aerobics but I still can’t lose weight 66. I’ll stop (lend) you money if you waste it on cigarettes. 67. I can’t get this table through the door. Have you tried ( take) off the legs? 67. The house needs (paint) soon. 68.Mary will need (make) a new dress for the party. 69. Would you like (come)to a lecture on Wagner tonight?- No, thanks. I like (listen) to music but I don’t like (listen) to people talking about it. 70. Do you feel like (dine) out or Would you rather (have) dinner at home? -I’d loke (go) out. 71. We stopped once (buy) petrol and then we stopped again(ask) someone the way. 72. When I caught them cheat me , I stopped(buy) petrol there and started ( deal) with your garage instead. 73. The lecturer began by telling us where the island was and went on ( talk) about its history. 74.I wish I hadn’t tried ( repair) it. I only made it worse. 75. I regret ( say) that I won’t be able to come to the party , but I hope you have a great time. 76. I regret ( say )that We’ve decided not to offer you the job. 77. I regret (say) that I don’t like your new boy friend. 78. He remembered (see) Jane on the way home from work. 79. She remembered ( send) her mother a birthday card. 80. He went on ( talk) about himself for hours and hours . 81. She was very angry with him for forgetting ( lock) the back door. 82. The Professor mentioned Botticelli, and went on (talk) about Renaissance. 83. I’ve tried (open) the bonnet , but it seems to be stuck. 84. Have you tried (clean) the spark plugs? 85. I’ll never forget (see) the Taj Mahal for the first. 86. I think we ought to stop (have) something to eat soon. 87. They stopped (go) out in the evening when they had their first child. 88. Your business is a complex shambles-the whole thing needs (reorganise). 89. I meant ( write) him a letter of condolence, but I never got round to it. 90. If you do join the Navy, it’ll mean(be) away from home for months on end. 91. I’ve always regretted (not learn) to play the piano at school. 92. I dread (think) what he’s going to say when he finds out I’ve crashed the car. 93. I need (have) a word in your ear. It’s about your trip to Italy nextweek. 94. The house is a wreck. If you buy it , it’ll mean (live) in chaos for months. 95. After three months without work, he regretted (leave) his safe job at the bank. 96. She dreaded (have) to see her ex-husband again in court. 97. They don’t allow (smoke) in the auditorium, they don’t want (risk) setting on fire. 98. Your hair needs (cut). 99.Please stop (ask) me such stupid questions. 100. I didn’t mean (upset) you. 101. He remembers part of her childhood quite clearly

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1.Our front gate is falling to pieces. It really wants (repair) 2. I was beginning ( think) I was wrong. 3. I dread (visit) the dentist. 4. I dread (think) about what has happened. 5. I prefer (walk) to ( cycle). 6. I had just sarted (eat) when the waiter took my plate away. 7. Would you like ( come) to the beach with us tomorrow. 8. I hate (disturb) you but I’m going to. 9.I hate (tell) you this , but your jacket’s torn. 10. I hate ( wait) for buses. 11. What will you have? - I’d prefer (have) steak, please. 12. Have you forgotten (meet) me years ago? 13. I remember (visit) Paris when I was very young. 14. Please remember( lock) the door on your way out. 15. Did you remember (phone Jim last night? 16. I shall never forget (be) taken to see the Moscow State Circus. 17. Don’t forget ( find) out how many are coming on saturday. 18.I forgot (go) to the chemist’s on my way home. 19. We all tried ( stop) him, but he just wouldn’t listen to anyone. 20. If you want (stop) (cough), Why don’t you try (drink) some water? 21. She got annoyed because her husband stopped (look) in every shop window. 22. Just stop (talk) and listen for a moment. 23. If we hadn’t turnedthe music off they’d have gone on (dance) till morning. 24. she got a degree in physics and then went on ( take) a course in Applied maths. 25. I regret (tell) you that there’s been an accident. 26. He regretted (stay) in the same job for so long. 27. He hates ( do ) the washing up. 28. I’d hate ( spend) Christmas alone. 29. I’m beginning ( understand) why he acted as he did. 30. It ceased (matter) whether or not he sold his work. 31. She never ceased ( complain) about prices. 32. He advised me (apply) at once. 33. He advised (apply) at once. 34. The glass wants (cut). 35. She recommends (buy) the big tins. 36. I regret (say) that you have failed your exam. 37.I mean (get) to the top by sunrise. 38. I remember ( read) about the earthquake in the papers. 39. I regret ( spend) so much money. 40. I was very tired , I tried (keep) my eyes open but I couldn’t. 41.I rang the door bell but there was no answer. Then I tried ( knock) on the door, but there was still no answer. 42. We tried (put) the firew out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade. 43. Sue needed ( borrow) some money. She tried (ask) Gerry but he was short of money too. 44. I tried ( reach)the shelf but I wasn’t tall enough. 45. Please leave me alone. I’m trying (concentrate). 46. I need a change. I need (go) away for a while. 47. She isn’t able to look after herself. She needs (look) aftwer. 48. The windows are dirty. They need (clean). 49. Why are you leaving now? You don’t need (go) yet, do you? 50. You don’t need (iron) that shirt. It needs (iron). 51. Try (not make) so much noise. 52. I remember (meet) you before but I forget your name. 53. Don’t forget (send) me a cable when you arrive in Ha noi. 54. He stopped (smoke) a cigarette. But it was so windy that he failed to do it. 55. Yesterday I went to Mai’s party. But now I regret (go) there. - Why? - I regret (say) that I stayed there too long. 56. Why did you stop (go) to the youth club? - I wanted ( wait) until my brother was old enough to go with me. 57. Have you seen my keys today? - Yes, I remember (see) the on the table this mh, no. It’s starting ( rain). 60. Lucia started (study) English 6 years ago.

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1. Every afternoon I…go………………………..(go) for a walk in the garden. 2. She …came……………………………(come) to England last year 3. Maryam loves ……meeting………………………………….(meet) people. 4. I…have not received………………………………(not, receive) the payment from Peter yet. 5. Liz…………………………..(sit) in the room when Ba came in. 6. I forgot ……………………………..(close) the windows before going out. 7. I………………………………………(get) up early yesterday 8. She always………………………………(go) to sleep before her mother does 9. What ……………………………..you…………………………….(do) tomorrow? 10. John and Tom………………………………(write) letters at this moment. 11. The telephone rang while I…………………………………………(take) my shower this morning 12. The bell rang while I………………………………………….(have) lunch. 13. I………………………………………….(buy) a good dictionary yesterday morning. 14……………………………….you………………………………..(have) yet? 15. So far, I ……………………………….(not,see) a camel. 16. He ……………………………………..(sit) on a chair at 9 last night. 17. I…………………………………..(know) him for a very long time 18. He………………………………..(turn) on the fan now 19. My parents………………………………………….(come) to stay with me next month 20. The children enjoy ……………………………………(swim) ijn the field 21. I remember……………………………………..(play) with doll when I was a child. 22. Remember…………………………………..(send) my regards to your brother when you come to London. 23. Would you mind…………………………………( open ) thedoor, please? IV. 1. ………………………………..are now very interested in tidal power. (science) 2. Mrs. Nga speaks English quite…………………………………. (good) 3. Ha Noi and areas to he north will be………………………………….tomorrow. (sun) 4. The baby laughed……………………………………..as she played with her toys. (happy) 5. The………………………………..language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia (nation) 6. The children are playing…………………..in the schoolyard. (happy) 7. Music and painting are……………………………subjects. (option) 8. We usually watch the news on TV because it’s very………………………………….. (inform) 9. The Kien Thuc Ngay Nay is……………………………….read by both teenagers and adults. (wide) 10. It’s…………………………………..to wear short skirts and faded jeans again. (fashion) 11. She sings very…………………………. (beauty) 12. Ha Noi is not very……………………………………….from Kuala Lumpur. ( differ) 13. The ao dai is the ………………………………………. dress of Vietnamese women. (tradition) 14. ……………………………………, the ao dai was frequently worn by men and women. (tradition) V. 1. The soccer match begins…………………………..5.30 pm. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Hoang get up early ……………………..the morning to feed the animals and the poultry. 3. Please wait for me. I will be there………………………..ten minutes. 4. Dr Van’s clinic is……………………………….47 Le Loi Street. 5. Our school-year often starts……………………………….September. 6. Everyday, my father goes to work……………………………………motorbike. 7. They always go to church…………………………….Christmas Day. 8. Lan’s birthday is…………………………………… 25th October. 9. Television became popular………………………………………..the 1950s. 10. Nguyen Du was born………………………1976 in Ha Tinh province. 11. Where is the English-Vietnamese dictionary? It’s……………………………………the table. 12. They will arrive here……………………………………..Monday. 13. He’s lost his key and now he’s looking……………………………………it 14. Please turn………………………………..the light. It’s very dark in here. 15. Can you turn……………………………the TV? I have a headache and don’t want to watch it. 16. She used to look……………………………..her father when he was ill. 17. Before you go to bed, please turn……………………………..all the lights. 18. It’s cold in here. Turn………………………………….the heating, please 19. He will be in Singapore from Monday…………………………..Thursday. 20. He returns the hotel……………………………10 pm. 21. It’s getting very dark. Can you turn…………………………………..the lights. 22. He arrives in Ha Noi……………………………………Sunday evening.

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70. Please forgive me for (not write) to you. 71. There is no point in (have) a car if you never use it. 72. It’s a waste of time (buy) thing you don’t need. 73. I shouted ( warn) people of the danger . 74. The President has a team of bodygaurds ( protect)him. 75. She is bound (pass) the exam. 76. He is difficult ( understand) 77. I was interested (hear) that Diane has got a new job. 78. We weren’t allowed (leave) the building 79. I’m looking forward to (go) away next week . 80. Mary promised (buy) me a drink. 81. Jonh made so much noise when I was trying (sleep). 82. It was a difficult question (answer) 83. It was very kind of you (do) my shopping for me. 84. She was the first (arrive) here. 85. You should avoid (travel) during rush hour. 86. We have all agreed (take) a pay cut so that our company will survive. 87. For the time being, the police won’t allow anyone (leave) the building 88. Personally, I wouldn’t dare (criticise) my boss. 89. We’ve delayed (fix) the date of the wedding (please) everybody. 90. The accused denied (be) anywhere near the bank during the robbery. 91. Visitors have been directed (not carry) cameras into the museum. 92. Most men dislike(wear) the same shirt 2 days running 93. Surely yopu just can’t fail (notice) the constant rise in the cost of living. 94. I don’t fancy(be) responsible for a party of school children for a week. 95. It’s hard (imagine) (live) without electricity. 96.I keep (leave) my glasses all over the place. 97. I’ve never managed (get) to the end of “War and Peace”. 98.I suggest (take) a taxi. 99. If we wish (visit) Canada before we’re old, we’d better start(save). 100. It’s hard (imagine) that anyone actually wants (work) down a mine

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Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. Scientists and businesspeople alike are waking up to the idea that the next development in tourism is probably (1)................... to be mass participation in space travel. Up (2)................. now, space exploration and research have been the domain of governmental organisations, but private enterprises are (3)................... involved because they recognise that (4)................. is a huge demand for this new experience. Analysts predict that spacecraft will (5)............... making as many as five million trips (6).................. year by 2030. In fact, the technology (7).................... exists to transport and accommodate people but it has not yet (8)................. developed for commercial purposes, despite the large numbers of people who are willing to pay whatever it (9)................... for the experience of seeing earth from orbit. It is simply a matter of (10)..................... before the first few passengers get their chance, and once it becomes more common, prices (11).................... fall and an increased range of activities will be made available. In space, gravity has no effect; as (12)........................ as they are in orbit, travellers will feel weightless. (13)......................... the idea of a few days floating around a supermodern hotel, with a view of the stars and the earth outside the window, appeal to you? If (14).......................... , you may be interested to learn that the first fully commercial spacecraft is going to blast off in the very near future. Bookings are already (15)....................... taken, so what are you waiting for?

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Choose a word/phrase from the list and use it in the correct form to complete each sentence. Deplete/ Pollute /Access Destroy /Erode/ Contaminate 41. The increase in cases of skin cancer has been recorded in parallel with ozone layer ________________. 42. Intensive pesticide and fertilizer sprays used in agriculture have resulted in the serious ______________ of water, soil and air. 43. The ______________ of this river has been proved by scientists to be caused by the dumping of untreated sewage. 44. Scientists are able to explain the consequences of habitat ____________________ now. 45. Every year about 15,000 acres of fertile topsoil are washed away in Haiti, which has resulted in massive soil ___________. Choose a word/phrase from the list to complete each sentence. properly /ancestors /customs feminist /ritual /favorable 46. My parents lay food on the altar for my _________ on a regular basis because they perceive that they will enjoy the meal with my family. 47. I’m interested in learning more about the ____________ of other countries. 48. Getting down on your knee is a ___________ to honor the dead in this country. 49. As a rule of thumb, several superstitious people choose a ________ date before starting something. 50. Before travelling to England, you have to learn to use knives, forks and spoons _______. 51. Yesterday she went for a picnic with her family. So she _________ at home when you came. A. can’t have been B. mustn’t have been C. needn’t have been D. might not have been 52. Some UFO sightings ________ easily. No one is able to explain them easily. A. can’t be explained B. shouldn’t be explained C. must be explained D. needn’t be explained 53. Like many women, she loves ________ parties and ________gifts. A. the/ a B. a/the C. a/a D. x/x 54. I am on night duty. When you go to ________ bed, I go to ________ work. A. a/x B. a/the C. the/x D. x/x 55. ____.the time passes, ___ I feel! The deadline of my thesis is coming, but I have just finished half of it. A. The faster / the nervous B. The more fast / the nervous C. The fast / the more nervous D. The faster / the more nervous 56. Bill is _________ A. lazier and lazier B. more and more lazy C. lazier and more lazy D. more lazy and lazier Fill the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets. 57. He was made ( hand )___________over all of his property. 58. By the time they reached the summit, they were ____________ (exhaust). 59. I find her ___________ (exhaust) – she never stops talking. 60. As I _______ (cross) the street, I _______ (step) on some ice and _______ (slip) and ________ (fall). 61. I __________ (walk) home while somebody __________ (follow) me. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: 62. Lan (A) should seriously consider (B) to become a singer. She’s (C) a great (D) talent. 63. There are lots of (A) amused ways (B) to volunteer in the arts such as teaching, (C) designing and assisting with (D) a variety of arts and crafts. 64. It (A) took them (B) at least two months (C) learning how (D) to pronounce these words. Rewrite these sentences, keeping the meaning. 65. I often ate a lot of cream when I was a boy. (used to) ………………………………………………………………………………………. 66. Hurry up or you’ll be late for school. (conditional sentence) ………………………………………………………………………………………. 67. She has just made this dress. (Passive voice) ………………………………………………………………………………………. 68. Let’s go to the cinema tonight. (v-ing) ………………………………………………………………………………………. 69. My sister couldn’t go for a picnic because she was ill. (so) ………………………………………………………………………………………. Rewrite the following sentences using words in brackets. 70. My lawyer said I shouldn’t say anything to the police. (ADVISED) ………………………………………………………………………………………. 71. When you phoned me, it was my lunch time. (HAVING) ………………………………………………………………………………………. 72. Mary didn’t find it difficult to pass her driving test. (DIFFICULTY) ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Fill in the blank with a suitable word (with the first letter given) to complete each of the following sentences. 11. In AC____________, special thin needles are put in different pressure points all over the body. 12. Please read the safety PRE___. If you have any questions, please check with your doctor. 13. You can only get this medicine on PRES_______. 14. Fantasia Barrino, the winner of American Idol’s season 3 in 2004, releases her D________. A__________ Free Yourself, which earned three Grammy Award nominations. 15. Most Quan Ho songs have the theme Love with romantic and sentimental LY________ which have been passed on by words of mouth. Reorder the words to complete the sentences. 16. More and more pliaonpatic ________________ are being created for computers, laptops, smartphones or tablets in order for students to make the best use of them. 17. Most young people today are ―dalitgi ________________ natives‖. In other words, they are familiar with computers and the Internet from an early age. 18. The advantage of the smaller tablets is its greater rlitabitypo ________________. 19. In the past, the salporop ________________ and engagement ceremonies took place one or two years before the wedding. 20. The Western people are very concerned with physical tracattiessven ________________ when choosing a wife or husband. Choose from the list the word that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each question. multipurpose/ easily carried/ death renowned/ amuse/ influences 21. This robot is very (versatile), as it can be used to perform many different tasks. 22. The laptop's compact design makes it extremely (portable) and practical. 23. To (entertain) tourists, we have to change our usual foods to suit their tastes or adapt dances and traditions to suit their needs. 24. Ecotourism activities have had some negative (impacts) on the environment and people in the area. 25. Hunting animals may lead to their (extinction). Choose from the list the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in each question. economical/ few /keeping/ intact useless/ starting/ place/ reluctantly 26. A smartphone is too (costly) for him to even have a normal one. 27. A digital camera is (convenient) as it is quick to view and delete as well as easy to transfer photos to a computer. 28. The 19th century brought us (numerous) important inventions, from the telegraph to the automobile to the typewriter to aspirin. 29. The island is very much in favor as a holiday (destination). 30. How many people can visit the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador without (affecting) the ecological balance? Use the correct form of the words to complete the sentences. 31. The petrol _______ of this type of motorbike is estimated approximately 2 liters per 100 km. (consume) 32. Since then, Velcro has gradually become a familiar _____for shoes, jackets and even spacesuits. (fast) 33. Studies have shown that _____________for inventions mostly come from natural world. (inspire) 34. University students are willing to get involved in helping the old and ___________ people. (child) 35. Most of the students in that special school are making good progress, but Michael is a _________ case. (hope) Use the correct form of the words to complete the sentences. 36. ___________ and individual rights are highly respected in some countries. (INDIVIDUAL) 37. In order to eliminate gender inequality, domestic __________ need to be shared by both husbands and wives. (RESPOND) 38. It is hard to get rid of______________ completely. (POOR) 39. She had to face______________ when she lived far from home. (LONELY) 40. This university is ranked as one the most successful institutions which have made ________ progress in gender equality. (CONSIDER)

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The nature of work is changing. You will probably change jobs numerous times over your lifetime. The idea of a ‘job for life’ doesn’t (1) ______ any more. Your career may involve a range of different jobs. New technology also means that there are new occupations today that didn’t exist ten years ago. Many of these occupations (2) ____ working with computer-based systems, procedures, machinery and the Internet. Many of the occupations of the future will mean being self-employed or (3) in small business. The changing nature of work will provide many opportunities for those (4) ____are prepared for them. This will mean being able to identify opportunities, tackle problems, take initiative, persevere, be flexible and work in teams. It will mean developing the right ‘enterprise skills’ (5) ______ the future. However, choosing a career path is not always easy. For most people there is not one (6) _____ occupation, but several occupations they could do and enjoy. Different occupations will suit you at different times. Your career is your whole working life, which can be made up of a wide range of occupations and involve many (7) _____ in direction. It is important that you take informed choices. It is wise to base your career decisions on a good (8)__________of yourself, as well as a thorough knowledge of the occupations and courses open to you. It takes time to think about yourself to decide what sort of (9) ______ you want, to talk to people and to explore occupations. If you want to find work that is satisfying, (10) ______ , there are no shortcuts – and without this knowledge, you may be tempted to react to whatever luck brings your way. 1. A. create B. exist C. open D. offer 2. A. involve B. satisfy C. apply D. discuss 3. A. searching B. designing C. suffering D. working 4. A. whom B. which C. who D. whose 5. A. of B. at C. in D. for 6. A. true B. right C. soft D. large 7. A. opportunities B. ideas C. changes D. sectors 8. A. understanding B. qualification C. interest D. profession 9. A. fashion B. approach C. lifestyle D. viewpoint 10. A. however B. despite C. furthermore D. although

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