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Ex2. Fill in the correct form: Gerund or Infinitive (with or without "TO") 1. I can't afford __________________ a job at the moment. I really need the money. (NOT HAVE) 2. The new job will involve you __________________ some time in Europe. (SPEND) 3. I don't remember __________________ for help. I wonder why he's here. (CALL) 4. We'll get everything finished, even if it means __________________ up late at night. (STAY) 5. She stopped __________________ a newspaper on her way home. (BUY) 6. The members of the council have delayed __________________ a decision. (MAKE) 7. We chose __________________ to Mark's engagement party. (NOT GO) 8. I hate it when the phone keeps __________________ all the time. It's disgusting! (RING) 9. I reminded him __________________ a few things on his way home from work. (BUY) 10. Have you considered __________________ the house? (SELL) 11. My dad insisted on __________________ me the money for the tickets. (GIVE) 12. Our boss convinced everyone __________________ longer hours. (WORK) 13. They couldn't help __________________ when she tripped over the carpet. (LAUGH) 14. Remember __________________ Harriet as soon as you get home. (CALL) 15. Anna denied __________________ the vase. (BREAK) 16. The teacher demanded __________________ why we hadn't cleaned the blackboard. (KNOW) 17. The shop assistant warned us __________________ the flowers. (NOT TOUCH) 18. We are looking forward __________________ you next week. (SEE) 19. I suggested __________________ him there and __________________ back home. (LEAVE, GET) 20. The kidnappers threatened __________________ their hostages. (SHOOT) 21. The thief admitted __________________ the money from the old woman. (STEAL) 22. English is a lot easier __________________ than French or other languages. (LEARN) 23. Mom told her to stop __________________ such strange noises. (MAKE) 24. We are very anxious __________________ a plane for the first time. (BOARD) 25. My husband blamed me for ____________________ have a second child. (NOT WANT)

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Ex1. Fill in the correct form: Gerund or Infinitive (with or without "TO") 1. It's impossible __________________ on this pitch because the ball won't bounce. (PLAY) 2. They accused his youngest son of __________________ the fence. (BREAK) 3. I blamed him for __________________ me with my homework. That's why I got a bad mark. (NOT HELP) 4. I would like to know why he insisted on __________________ this alone (DO). 5. I suggest __________________ for a walk this afternoon. How about it? (GO) 6. The doctor advised him __________________ swimming because of his cold. (NOT GO) 7. I managed to balance my account without __________________ out a new loan. (TAKE) 8. I can't afford __________________ money on new clothes. (SPEND) 9. She can't tolerate __________________ the centre of attention. (NOT BE) 10. I regret __________________ that the event must be cancelled due to the circumstances. (SAY) 11. Dad demanded __________________ what I was doing up at this time of the night. (KNOW) 12. For some people it's difficult to get used __________________ up early in the morning. (WAKE) 13. Why did you avoid __________________ your father the truth? (TELL) 14. Do you fancy __________________ out with me tonight? (GO) 15. In the old days you were allowed __________________ almost everywhere. (SMOKE) 16. My teacher forbade us __________________ school during lessons. (LEAVE) 17. I forgot __________________ at the store for some groceries. (STOP) 18. This car needs __________________. Could you do for me? (WASH) 19. We postponed __________________ to the cinema until next week. (GO) 20. I didn't expect her __________________ the award. (WIN) 21. He spends all his spare time __________________ stamps and coins. (COLLECT)

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I. Chuyển sang câu bị động : 1.My father waters this flower every morning . =>.......................................................................... 2.John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night . =>..................................................................................... 3.Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen. =>........................................................................................ 4.We should clean our teeth twice a day. =>................................................................. 5.Our teachers have explained the English grammar. =>.......................................................................................... 6. Tom will visit his parents next month . =>................................................................ 7.The manager didn't phone the secretary this morning . =>............................................................................................... 8.The German didn't build this factory during the Second World War . =>..................................................................................................................... 9.Did Mary buy this beautiful dress ? =>............................................................ 10.I won't hang these old pictures in the living room . =>....................................................................................... 11.Have the thieves stolen the most valuable painting in the national museum ? =>....................................................................................................................................... 12.How many languages do they speak in Canada ? =>......................................................................................

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I. Chuyển sang câu bị động : 1.My father waters this flower every morning . =>.......................................................................... 2.John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night . =>..................................................................................... 3.Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen. =>........................................................................................ 4.We should clean our teeth twice a day. =>................................................................. 5.Our teachers have explained the English grammar. =>.......................................................................................... 6. Tom will visit his parents next month . =>................................................................ 7.The manager didn't phone the secretary this morning . =>............................................................................................... 8.The German didn't build this factory during the Second World War . =>..................................................................................................................... 9.Did Mary buy this beautiful dress ? =>............................................................ 10.I won't hang these old pictures in the living room . =>....................................................................................... 11.Have the thieves stolen the most valuable painting in the national museum ? =>....................................................................................................................................... 12.How many languages do they speak in Canada ? =>......................................................................................

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III. Change the following sentences into affirmative (+), negative (-) and interrogative (?) form. 1. (+) He wrote a book. (-)___________________________ (?)___________________________ 2. (+) She was my boss. (-)___________________________ (?)___________________________ 3. (+) ___________________________ (-)They didn’t build a new house. (?)___________________________ 4. (+) ___________________________ (-)I wasn’t at the concert last Sunday. (?)___________________________ 5. (+) ___________________________ (-)___________________________ (?)Did you buy clothes in this clothes shop? IV. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) 1. They_________the bus yesterday. A. don’t catch B. weren’t catch C. didn’t catch D. not catch 2. My sister_________home last night. A. comes B. come C. came D. was come 3. My father_________tired when I _________ home. A. was – got B. is – get C. was – getted D. were – got 4. What_________you_________two days ago? A. do – do B. did – did C. do – did D. did – do 5. Where_________your family_________on the summer holiday last year? A. do – go B. does – go C.did – go D. did – went 6. We_________David in town a few days ago. A. did see B. was saw C. did saw D. saw 7. It was cold, so I_________ the window. A. shut B.was shut C. am shut D.shutted 8. I_________to the cinema three times last week. A.was go B. went C. did go D.goed 9. What_________you_________last weekend? A.were/do B.did/did C.did/do D.do/did 10. The police_________on my way home last night. A. was stop B.stopped C.stops D.stopping 11. The film wasn’t very good. I_________ it very much. A.ẹnjoyed B.wasn’t enjoy C.didn’t ẹnjoyed D. didn’t enjoy 12. The bed was very uncomfortable. I_________sleep very well. A.didn’t B.did C.wasn’t D.not 13. The window was opened and a bird_________into the room. A.fly B. flew C. was flew D.did fly 14. I_________a lot of money yesterday. I_________an expensive dress. A.spend/buy B.spent/buy C.spent/bought D.was spent/bought. V. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I (not be) very happy yesterday. 2. The people in the café (not be) friendly when I was there yesterday. 3. I (leave) my school bag at school this morning. 4. It (be) a great film in 2001. 5. Our teacher (tell) us to be quiet yesterday. 6. I went to the shop but I (not have) any money. 7. Susan (not know) about the exam and she did very badly. 8. I (buy) a ticket for the football match yesterday. *******************************

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I, Multiple-choice: 1, Melodi is an avid artist whose favorite hobbies are _________ and sculpture. A. using paint B. to paint C. painting D. paint 2, Increasing the number of ferry crossings to the island from the mainland had the _________ effect of attracting more visitors. A. desirable B. desired C. desirability D. undesired 3, Such a tremendous noise was _________ in the banqueting-hall that there was little danger of their being overheard. A. happening B. going on C. continuing D. turning out 4, When the area was cleared for mining, the animals that had lived there were _________. A. driven out B. putting out C. continuing D. gotten out 5, As soon as the problem at work blew up, he instantly thought about how he could come out of it looking good. He is such a ____________ person. A. self-evident B. self-conscious C. self-centred D. selfless 6, When will it ____________ us that climate change poses one of the greatest risks to the survival of our planet? A. see that B. considered C. know that D. dawn on 7, Rock and roll in the 1950s was primarily a youth cult, but its lasting importance ____________ in the seismic impact. A. stood B. stayed C. held D. lay 8, His face is used to advertise products with intellectual ____________ from computers to encyclopaedias. A. suppositions B. connotations C. assumptions D. inferences 9, My two cousins were so excited at the start of the war, they ran downtown and ________ up immediately. A. wrote B. signed C. drew D. brought 10, Mathew is increasingly required to present internally to his colleagues ____________ externally to the major shareholders. A. let alone B. not to mention C. besides D. alongside

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REVIEW (GRAMMAR – UNIT 7) A. THEORY: 1. Wh-questions: What, who, where, when, why, how, ... 2. Conjunctions: And, but, so, although, because, or B. Practice: I. Fill in the blank with What, Where, When, Why, Who, How, How far. Ex: What is your name? - My name’s Trung. 1. is your family name? - It’s Nguyen. 2. old are you? - I’m thirteen. 3. do you live? - On Nguyen Trai Street. 4. do you live with? - My parents. 5. is it from your house to school? - About three kilometers. 6. do you go to school? - By bus. 7. do you go to school? - At half past six. 8. are you late? - Because I miss the bus. II. Complete the following sentences with the words in the box. 1. Children love cartoons they make them feel happy. 2. the newsreader speaks really fast, my father can hear everything. 3. The animal programme is late I can’t wait for it. 4. Some game shows are popular, I never watch them. 5. My sister is a weatherwoman, ______________ my father is a newsreader. III. Using “What, Where, When, Who, Why, How, What time” to complete the sentences below. Ex: What will you do tonight? I will do my homework. 1. will they do tomorrow afternoon? - They will play tennis. 2. will go camping next Sunday? - Nam and Quang will. 3. will we meet? - We will meet at Lan’s house. 4. will you be back? - I will be back at eight o’clock. 5. will she go to the zoo? - She will go by bus. 6. will your father travel to Ha Noi? - He will travel next week. 7. will Nam go to bed early tonight? - Because he will have a test tomorrow. 8. will you go next summer vacation? - I will go to Nha Trang. IV. Rewrite the sentences by using the words in brackets. 1. I like him. He’s annoying. (but) ......................................................................................................................................... 2. We’re having salad for lunch. We’re not very hungry. (so) ......................................................................................................................................... 3. She doesn’t use much suncream. She has very pale skin. (although) ......................................................................................................................................... 4. Would you like to go to Paris? Would you rather go to Budapest? (or) ......................................................................................................................................... 5. He’s very tired today. He went to bed very late last night. (because) ......................................................................................................................................... V. Choose the best item among A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. is the most expensive city in the world? - I think it’s Tokyo. A.What B. Where C. When D. How 2. is your favorite tennis player? – I don’t like tennis. A. Where B. Who C. How often D. How long 3. My brother can’t swim he’s afraid (sợ) of water. A. because B. and C.but D. so 4. My sister likes going to the cinema I like watching TV at home. A. and B. but C. because D. or 5. pen is this? Can I borrow it? A. Whose B. Whom C.Who D. Which 6. are you going to invite to your party next week? A. What B. Who C.Whose D. Where 7. did you spend in Hanoi? – One week. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often 8. is a person who reads a report in the program. A. A weatherman B. Acomedian C. A newsreader D. A guest 9. We use a to change the channels from a distance. A. remote control B. TV schedule C. newspaper D. volume button 10. I want to watch the cartoon I turn on the TV. A. but B. so C.although D. because ***************************************************

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Rewrite these sentences , using IF : 1. He didn't prepera for the interview , sohe didn't get the job . =>...................................................................................................... 2. We came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money . =>....................................................................................................................... 3. I can't take much exercise because I don't have enough free time . =>............................................................................................................ 4. The house didn't burn down because the fire brigade came immediately . =>............................................................................................................................. 5. The men were wearing protective clothing , so they were all quite safe . =>...................................................................................................................... 6. People don't realize how important it is to conserve energy . so they do nothing about it . =>........................................................................................................................................................ 7. I took the job because I didn't know how difficult it was . =>............................................................................................... 8. My father didn't earn much money , so life wasn't easy for us . =>............................................................................................................ 9. Daniel really wanted to buythe book , but he didn't have enough money . =>............................................................................................................................ 10. There isn't any truth in her allegations , so I won't resign . =>.............................................................................................. 11. Andrew wanted to ask Frank Sinatra for his autograph , but he wasn't brave enough. =>..................................................................................................................................................... 12. I don't know anything about plumbing , so I can't fix the leak to the sink myself. =>....................................................................................................................................... 13. Rita is exhausted today because she didn't get any sleep last night . =>................................................................................................................... 14.The doctor doesn't really care about his patient . He didn't explain the medical procedure to me before surgery. =>...................................................................................................................................................... 15. Bob left his wallet at home this morning , and now he doesn't have any money for lunch. =>.........................................................................................................................................................

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