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Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each group Question 1: A. chemist B. change C. child D. cheap Question 2: A. fork B. world C. sport D. north Question 3: A. plenty B. fairy C. sky D. weekly Question 4: A. feather B. head C. healthy D. meat Question 5: A. much B. cute C. cut D. sun Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group Question 6: A. student B. member C. prefer D. teacher Question 7: A. subject B. hello C. teacher D. thousand Question 8: A. lesson B. woman C. repair D. father Question 9: A. above B. sister C. widen D. very Question 10: A. corner B. answer C. doctor D. prepare Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit Question 11: When you meet your friends, which topic do you often talk about? – Films. A. plays B. movies C. theatres D. stories Question 12: I study in class 10A with forty-five other students. A. learn B. teach C. instruct D. review Question 13: I study many subjects such as Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Vietnamese Literature, History, Geography etc. A. a lot B. a lot of C. lots D. much Question 14: But I like English best because it’s an important means of international communication. A. want B. need C. enjoy D. wish Question 15: I don’t really like getting up early but I have to because I often have lessons at 7.15. A. late B. later C. first D. soon

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Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage Gender roles develop (1) ____ internalization and identification during childhood. Sigmund Freud suggested that biology determines gender identity through (2) ____ with either the mother or the father. While some people agree with Freud, others (3) ____ that the development of the “gendered self” is not completely determined by biology, but rather the interactions that one has with the primary caregiver(s). From birth, parents (4) ____ differently with children depending on their sex, and through this interaction parents can instill different values or traits in their children on the basis of what is (5) ____ for their sex. This internalization of gender norms includes the choice of toys (“feminine” toys often reinforce interaction, nurturing, and closeness, “masculine” toys often reinforce independence and competitiveness) that a parents give to their children. Education also plays an (6) ____ role in the creation of gender norms. Gender roles that are created in childhood may permeate throughout life and help to structure (7) ____ and marriage, especially in relation to work in and outside home. Despite the increasing number of women in the labor (8) ____, women are still responsible for the majority of domestic chores and childcare. While women split their time between work and care of the home, men in many societies are pressured into being the primary economic supporter of the home. (9) ____ the fact that different households may divide chores more evenly, there is evidence supporting the fact that women have retained the primary caregiver role within familial life despite contributing economically to the household. This evidence suggest that women (10) ____ work outside the home often put an extra 18 hours a week doing household or childcare related chores as opposed to men who average 12 minutes a day in childcare activities. 1. A. with B. through C. upon D. across 2. A. health B. fitness C. identification D. balance 3. A. argue B. claim C. discuss D. debate 4. A. acquaint B. relate C. interact D. make 5. A. confusing B. passive C. native D. normative 6. A. integral B. exact C. fact D. true 7. A. offspring B. family C. parenting D. parents 8. A. force B. power C. strength D. health 9. A. without B. in C. despite D. on 10. A. which B. who C. whose D. that Mik ko cần giải thích hay gì đâu ! chỉ cần câu trả lời đúng là đc

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5. Andrew _______ the test before so he _______ it very easy. A. had done/found B. had done/ had found C. did/ found D. did/ had found 6. I must go now. I promised ________________late. A. not being B. not to be C. to not be D. I wouldn’t be 7. I was late for school this morning because my alarm clock didn’t ______________. A. go on B. go off C. go away D. go up 8. He often ___________ to work by car everyday but today he __________ by bus. A. goes/ goes B. is going/ will go C. went/ has gone D. goes/ is going 9. He’s not really interested in ________________ on the farm. A. to work B. work C. worked D. working 10. He _____________the piano everyday. A. practise B. practises C. to practise D. practising 11. The World War II ___________in 1939 and _________1945. A. begins/ends B. had begun/ ended C. has begun/ had ended D. began/ ended 12. She is interested _________ science. She is a scientist. A. with B. of C. in D. under 13. It takes me 45 minutes to get ready. A. to go B. to prepare C. to wake up D. to do 14. Marie Curie was born................November 7, 1867. A. in. B. from C. at D. on 15. Would you mind _______ some time taking to me after the examination? A. to open B. opening C. open D. opened 16. _________do you live?- In a flat, near the university. A. Where B. When C. Who D. Whom 17. They decided _______ this job. A. taking B. take C. to take D. took 18. _______ money do you earn? – About $45 a week. A. How much B. How many C. What D. Which 19. Remember _______ the letter for me tomorrow. A. posting B. post C. will post D. to post 20. Will you please stop ________________ noise? A. to make B. make C. be made D. making

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5. Andrew _______ the test before so he _______ it very easy. A. had done/found B. had done/ had found C. did/ found D. did/ had found 6. I must go now. I promised ________________late. A. not being B. not to be C. to not be D. I wouldn’t be 7. I was late for school this morning because my alarm clock didn’t ______________. A. go on B. go off C. go away D. go up 8. He often ___________ to work by car everyday but today he __________ by bus. A. goes/ goes B. is going/ will go C. went/ has gone D. goes/ is going 9. He’s not really interested in ________________ on the farm. A. to work B. work C. worked D. working 10. He _____________the piano everyday. A. practise B. practises C. to practise D. practising 11. The World War II ___________in 1939 and _________1945. A. begins/ends B. had begun/ ended C. has begun/ had ended D. began/ ended 12. She is interested _________ science. She is a scientist. A. with B. of C. in D. under 13. It takes me 45 minutes to get ready. A. to go B. to prepare C. to wake up D. to do 14. Marie Curie was born................November 7, 1867. A. in. B. from C. at D. on 15. Would you mind _______ some time taking to me after the examination? A. to open B. opening C. open D. opened 16. _________do you live?- In a flat, near the university. A. Where B. When C. Who D. Whom 17. They decided _______ this job. A. taking B. take C. to take D. took 18. _______ money do you earn? – About $45 a week. A. How much B. How many C. What D. Which 19. Remember _______ the letter for me tomorrow. A. posting B. post C. will post D. to post 20. Will you please stop ________________ noise? A. to make B. make C. be made D. making

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Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc sau 1. _______ creates hardship for all members of the family.(employ) 2. I don’t have a job, so I live on ________ benefit.(employ) 3. the government is encouraging_______ in heavy industry.(invest) 4. We can’t __________ with these low prices.(competitor) 5. My father lost his job 6 years ago ang has been __________ ever since.(employ) 6. Feny has just got ________ to a girl he’s known since he was a boy.(engage) 7. We were lucky enough to get tickets for the first _______(perform) 8. David is a very warm and ___________ person.(care) 9. Don’t believe a word Tom says. He is a terrible __________(lie) 10. Graham hates queuing . He’s very ___________(patient) 11. Does the package holiday include the _________(accommodate) 12. She was sentenced to 10 years’ ___________ for his part in the armed robbery.(prison) 13. Can you tell me the ___________ of this river? (deep) 14. She welcome us in a very _________________ way. (friend) 15. Knowing that he was ______________, we left his house.(friend) 16. He is said to be very ______________ carpenter. (skill) 17. The government has promised to deal with the _________________ among young people.(employ) 18. The dictionaries are with the other ___________ books.(refer) 19. Simso admitted that his cruel joke was _____________ (intend) 20. Thousands of people has been made ___________ by the war.(home) 21. Saucepans are sold in the ____________ goods department. (house) 22. His performance in King Lear was almost _____________(impress) 23. I was annoyed at his ______________ to co-operate.(refuse) 24. They set up many camps for _______________ (refuge) 25. _____________ many houses were demolished to make way for the roads.(fortunate) 26. The _______ of the trains and the buses causes annoyance. (frequent) 27. His behaviour always ______________ me at the party. (embarrass) 28. He used to draw cartoon for a ___________ magazine. (humour) 29. I received a lot of _________ from my parents and friends. (courage) 30. Daily conversation is also one of the most enjoyable forms of ____________ (entertain) 31. We should consolidate and promote our long ______________ and co-operation.(friend) 32. Many skilled workers will be ______________ next year. (employ) 33. His car is _____________. Its consumes a lot of petrol. (economy) 34. I can say that there are few __________ places in the world. (explore) 35. Many __________ zones are very attractive for investors. (economy) 36. The gases from chemical factory is very ____ and ___ (poison/ harm) 37. I’d like to book a direct _________ to Bangkok. (fly) 38. I am afraid that the radio I bought from your shop yesterday is ____________ (fault) 39. The _______ declarationg by him was translated into English.(depend) 40. Some people collect objects which are connected with _______________ events (history) 41. The films gave ____________ to many generations of children. (enjoy) 42. The Costwolds is an area of great ___________ in England. (beautiful) 43. It is _____________ to live in such a damp basemant flat. (health) 44. She was very _____________________ by the ghost stories. ( fright) 45. She ia very ______________ about the history of music and art.(know) 46. I thick he must be very __________ man. He knows everything. (learn) 47. She divorced him because of his _____________ to the children.(kind) 48. Crop _______________ was due to many weather conditions. (fail) 49. It is usually forbidden to destroy ______________ building. (history) 50. Many ________________ families had to live in hotels. (home)

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Mark A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 21. Unless we (A) worked (B) harder, we would (C) finish on (D) time. 22. If (A) Europe fails to agree (B) on this, we can tell (C) goodbye to any common (D) foreign policy. 23. Despite (A) my feet were killing me (B) and my head (C) was pounding. I finished running the marathon (D). Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges. 24. Nam and Tung are talking about the health of the ocean. Nam: The sea is getting polluted because beaches are filled with plastic bags, pieces of glass and cigarette butts . Do you think so? Tung: _______________. This is really worrying. A. I don’t think so. B. I’ll think about that. C. I don’t agree. D. Yes, I also think so. 25. Rose is at Jane’s house. Jane: “Would you like an ice-cream? Or some cakes perhaps?” Rose: “_________”. A. I choose ice-cream, please. B. I want ice-cream. C. I’ll have ice-cream, please. D. I sure want ice-cream. PART III: READING 1: Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase which best suits to each of each the numbered blank. Dolphins are known as marine (26) ______, they breathe air, they are warm-blood, and they bear live young ones called calves The size of dolphin is very greatly. (27)______ smallest dolphins are just about 50 kg in weight and 1.2 meters in length while the largest one can weigh up to 8.200 kg and is 10 meters long. Dolphins are sociable creatures. They swim together in group known as (28) ______They show great ability in the water. Dolphins are interested in humans and often rescue people in the sea who are in danger. They are intelligent creatures and make sounds to (29)_____ with each other. Scientists have studied dolphins for many years and are now looking into the possibility of dolphins that are able to carry (30) _____ tasks under the sea. 26. A. fish B. creatures C. mammals D. life 27. A. A B. An C. The D. And 28. A. currents B. flocks C. herds D. teams 29. A. talk B. communicate C. contact D. connect 30. A. out B. in C. of D. with

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Set in the red desert of central Australia is the mining town of Coober Pedy. At first sight, the town looks similar to many other such communities, but Coober Pedy is different. Sixty per cent of its population of some 4,000 people lives underground. There are today about 800 underground houses as well as shops, hotels and even churches in the town and the (1) _____ hills. Once a site has been chosen, special tunneling machines are (2) _____ in to create passages and rooms in the sandstone. Rock pillars are left to (3) _____ the roof, and doors and windows are cut into the front. Houses are of all shapes and (4) _____, the largest having twenty rooms, and some even have their own swimming pool. Living underground may sound strange but in fact it has a number of advantages. In summer, the temperature outside can reach an astonishing 470C, and in winter the nights can be (5) _____ cold. However, inside the houses it remains a steady 250C all year (6) _____. Many people say that living underground makes them feel very secure. There is no problem with noise from the neighbors and the houses are not (7) _____. By the fierce dust storms that regularly (8) _____ through the area. And of course, if your family (9) _____ or lots of friends come to stay, you can (10) _____ dig another room. 1. A. surrounding B. enclosing C. near D. close 2. A. worked B. entered C. brought D. placed 3. A. support B. push C. rise D. lift 4. A. numbers B. areas C. volumes D. sizes 5. A. strongly B. extremely C. heavily D. sharply 6. A. round B. wide C. along D. across 7. A. spoiled B. affected C. influenced D. disturbed 8. A. pour B. flood C. hurry D. sweep 9. A. explodes B. rises C. grows D. stretches 10. A. regularly B. only C. always D. ever

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