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Shin chúc bạn học tốt

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season has its own benefits and beauty, but I still like spring the most. Coming back, the sky is warm again with soft breezes and warm weather. Blue sky. Clear clouds hover in the sky. Swallows fluttering. The radiant spring sunshine gently warms everything after a cold and sad winter, different from the harsh summer sun. Spring is indispensable for the small raindrops to scatter and sprinkle dust everywhere. She winds through the leaves as if wanting to wake up the kindergartens. The leaves still remained sparkling dewdrops, as clear as a look of love. Peach pots and apricot blossom pots make every effort to bloom. The garden was jubilant like a spring festival. Big trees give off young buds on the branches. All flowers blooming together with butterfly wings fluttering to add more vivid picture to the village. The most beautiful are still cherry blossoms. The flower bud is pink and bright yellow, wearing a chalk crown. Birds are now home and sing to welcome spring. How clear the new song! Village road stretches. On both sides of the road, the grass was still wet with night mist. The slogan "HAPPY NEW YEAR" is bright red. Everywhere excited and cheerful. Everyone was happier and more bustling after their hibernation: people shopping, people shopping for Tet, ... Everyone was bustling, crowded. Far away, the river with the boats carrying passengers. Spring girl glides across the lush green field that is spreading like a giant carpet. When Tet comes, everyone wishes each other good wishes. The children are bought by their parents for new clothes, eagerly waiting for the lucky money. Spring is the season of reunion and reunion. Blending in fragrant scent of banh chung, like wanting to urge everyone to hurry and reunite with family. Spring comes, and the country feels like a young again, full of life. How I love spring because it is a priceless gift that nature gives to man

                                                                   BÀI LÀM

Spring is the beginning of a year. Around this time, the climate is still cold and humid. There are still some small drizzles outside but they seem not be able to stop the hundreds of colorful flowers blooming. Peach blossoms, apricot blossoms and lime trees are the most favorite plants for the Lunar New Year. Apricot blossom is yellow, peach blossom is pink, these color brighten up the sky. Spring arriving means that with New Year is coming. At this moment, everyone's heart is throbbing. The roads are filled with vehicles, everyone is happy, they go shopping to prepare for Tet holiday such as buying trees, clothes, foods.Traditionally, all of houses hang red sentences in front of the house, plant trees, wrap green cake to eat with melon onion. This is a characteristic that only Vietnam has, leaves impression on the tourists. Children are especially happy to wear new clothes and receive red envelopes, are taken to visit the relatives. For me, the spring is so special, it carries so much love and happiness.