TRANSFORMATION Thousands of people have to build that caster him for years -->That castle.... She doesn't send me her recent photos -->I wish...... He failed in the examination last year -->He did not... I haven't eaten this kind of food before -->this is the firt.. his parents made him study for his exam -->he was made..

2 câu trả lời

1. That castle has been built by thousands of people for years. (⬅️Thousands of people have built that castle for years)

2. I wish she sent me her recent photos.

3. He didn't pass the examination last year.

4. This is the first time I have eaten this kind of food.

5. He was made to study for his exam by his parents.

1. That castle has been built by thousands of people for years.

(Đề có sai không cậu ơi? "have built" chứ nhỉ)

2. I wish she sent me her recent photos. (câu ước ở hiện tại)

3. He did not pass the examination last year. (fail = not pass)

4. This is the first time I have (ever) eaten this kind of food. (thì hiện tại hoàn thành)

5. He was made to study for his exam by his parents. (câu bị động với "make")

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