Phát minh quan trọng nhất của thế kỉ xx là j ?

2 câu trả lời

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Giải thích các bước giải:

- Học thuyết Đác-uyn đề cập đến sự tiến hóa và di truyền.

- Phát minh của nhà bác học Lu-i Pa-xto giúp chế tạo thành công vac-xin phòng bệnh chó dại.

- Pap-lốp nghiên cứu hoạt động của hệ thần kinh cao cấp của động vật và người.

Kỹ thuật di truyền ( Genetic Engineering )

Công nghệ Nano

Trí tuệ nhân tạo


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1. If I were you, I __________ for a new car to buy. A. would look B. will look C. look D. looking 2. If Trang __________ ill, she would go out with us. A. isn’t B. aren’t C. wasn’t D. not been 3. If there __________ fewer cars on the road, there would be less accident. A. is B. were C. are D. be 4. If people really cared about environment, they __________ waste into rivers. A. didn’t dump B. don’t dump C. shan’t dump D. wouldn’t dump 5. You __________ so tired if you went to bed earlier. A. won’t be B. shan’t be C. couldn’t be D. wouldn’t be 6. If you really __________ me, you would buy me a diamond ring. A. loved B. love C. loves D. loving 7. If I knew where she lived, I __________ and see her. A. will go B. would go C. should go D. went 8. If I __________ taller, I would buy this dress. A. am B. are C. were D. being 9. Filters do not remove all __________ from water. A. contaminate B. contaminants C. contaminating D. contamination 10. __________ is found under the ground in soil, rocks, etc. A. sea water B. salt water C. groundwater D. hot water 11. If I won a lottery, I __________ a lot on charity. A. spend B. spent C. will spend D. would spend 12. If the supermarket is open, I __________ some food there. A. will buy B. would buy C. bought D. has bought 13. I will talk to her if you __________ to do it. A. won’t want B. didn’t want C. don’t want D. doesn’t want 14. If I __________ more money, I would buy a better car. A. have B. had C. will have D. would have 15. The farmer had put down some rat __________. A. poisoning B. poisoner C. poisoned D. poison

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